Welcome to DyingWords. I’m Garry Rodgers — retired homicide detective and coroner — now international bestselling crime writer, deadly blogger, and film content producer. My site is taglined Provoking Thoughts on Life, Death, and Writing because that’s what I do around here. Take a tour. Poke about. And don’t hesitate to give me a shout with questions. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll just make something up. Remember, I write fiction as well as true crime.

BASED-ON-TRUE-CRIME SERIES  So far, I’ve written 8 books in this series – In The Attic, Under The Ground, From The Shadows, Beside The Road, On The Floor, Between The Bikers, Beyond The Limits, and At The Cabin. 22 more are framed, but this project is temporarily on hold while I get CITY OF DANGER operational for 2025 or 2026. Update – January 2024: This series is now optioned for film production and pitched under the working title Occam’s Razor. Logline: Based on true cases, an inventive detective nearing retirement uses Occam’s Razor – The Law of Parsimony or Simplicity – to solve serious, perplexing, and complex crimes.

OTHER BOOKS   I’m proud to be part of the vibrant (and lucrative) Indie Author and Publishing movement. My books cover four areas. One is crime thrillers based on true cases I was involved in. Second is crime fiction which are also based on real possibilities. Third are stand-alone books written around a specific topic. Fourth are guides on writing craft. Check out my Book Page with links to my  works.

TWENTY-SECOND CENTURY ENTERTAINMENT  This is my film production service, 22 ENT. Besides creating content specific for the film industry like screenplays and script materials, I also consult on forensic applications, police procedurals, firearms, character depictions, dialogue accuracies, and overall believability.  Value-added, I research topics for documentaries and appear on-camera as a resource person in non-scripted productions.

CITY OF DANGER  **Coming in 2025 or 2026 – depending on technology advancements**  My newest venture creating a Netflix-style, AI-assisted, hardboiled detective crime fiction series crafted for print, ebook, audio, interactive, and visual netstreaming release. Logline/Pitch: A modern city in existential peril caused by malevolent artificial intelligence transports two private detectives from its 1920s past for an impossible task: Dispense street justice and restore social order. Follow CITYOFDANGER.COM.

PERSONAL BLOG   The DyingWords.net blog has 400+ posts covering topics like high-profile and famous case analysis, forensic science, crime writing, blogging, and general life & death issues. (Rarely religion, politics, or sex, though) The DyingWords site enjoys continuous growth with 300,000 yearly visits and millions of total hits. I publish new blog content every second Saturday morning at 8:00 am PST precisely.

THE KILL ZONE  I’m an active member of the Kill Zone blog team and in with some very accomplished thriller and mystery writers. Here’s the scoop on TKZ: The Kill Zone is the home of 11 top suspense writers and publishing professionals. We cover the publishing biz, marketing how-to’s, and the craft of writing. Each day, we’ll open the doorway into the world of the working writer. I post on TKZ every second Thursday.

RESOURCES  Here are links to the best online and print-published resources on the craft of crime writing, blogging & forensic science that I’ve come across.  I’ve personally read every one & confidently endorse them.

TOE TAGS  My business cards are real toe tags I stole from the morgue and stuck labels on. If you’d like one, subscribe to my blog or email me & I’ll post-mail it to you. I’ll need your snail-mail address but promise never, ever, to disclose it in case it falls into a guy like Bundy’s hands.

FAMOUS DYING WORDS   If you want to smile — or get provoked into thought — read what some of these famous (and not-so famous) folks said as their lights went out.

CONTACT ME   Reach me through email at garry.rodgers@shaw.ca. Twitter works great, too. I have an author Facebook site, Amazon Author Central page, Goodreads bio, and BookBub profile. I also have a physical address on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada. Please sign my mailing list for bi-weekly blog posts and updates on forthcoming books. And, thanks so much for your interest and support—it’s truly appreciated!