Author Archives: Garry Rodgers

About Garry Rodgers

After three decades as a Royal Canadian Mounted Police homicide detective and British Columbia coroner, International Best Selling author and blogger Garry Rodgers has an expertise in death and the craft of writing on it. Now retired, he wants to provoke your thoughts about death and help authors give life to their words.


Every once in a while, two crime writers click. That’s what happened four or five years ago when I met Sue Coletta online. Since then, we’ve been the best of buddies even though Sue lives with her husband in New Hampshire and I live with my wife in British Columbia. Before you get any funny ideas there’s hanky-panky going on through the internet, be aware that our spouses fully endorse our partnership and they share our off-colored jokes. Bob and Rita also approve of the criminal deviancy we write about on a daily basis.

No. Hang on a sec… they approve of our writing, not the deviant criminals.

I say partnership because Sue and I constantly help each other out. We’ve collaborated on writing guides, we’ve co-helped others with their work, we’ve cross-blogged many times, and Sue was instrumental in getting me onboard the Kill Zone team as a regular contributor. We also encourage each other in new ventures, and I’m so happy to say that Sue was recently approached by a major U.S. publisher to research and write a true crime book about historic female serial killers in New England.

Sue’s new release is about to come out. Globe Pequot, a division of publishing giant Rowman & Littlefield, is putting Pretty Evil New England on the shelves real soon. I’ll let Sue tell you about it and, if you stick through to the end of this post and leave a comment, you’re automatically entered into a Globe Pequot contest to win a print version of Pretty Evil.

Here’s a conversation that only gets worse…

Hey, Sue. Welcome back to the DyingWords shack. You’re a sucker for punishment. Mind if I prod you with a few questions?

Haha. Guess I am! Hey, would you mind dimming that bright light a bit? I’m sweating like a horse in last place. While we’re on the subject, are the restraints necessary? I know you’re passionate about DyingWords, but the rope’s starting to dig into my wrists.

Restraint is an old tradition around DyingWords. Sort of a right-of-passage for guests. Tells us… What’ve you been up to with your new book baby, Pretty Evil New England: True Stories of Violent Vixens and Murderous Matriarchs?

Pretty Evil New England tells the stories of five female serial killers who used New England as their hunting ground. For those who aren’t familiar with the area, New England encompasses the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont. The reason I chose these specific female serial killers was because, during their reign of terror, they murdered at least one victim in all six states. Not separately but combined. Also, these “ladies” murdered a total of 100 victims, and that’s only the ones we know about.

Perhaps I should share the description to give your readers a feel for the book.

For four centuries, New England has been a cradle of crime and murder—from the Salem witch trials to the modern-day mafia. Nineteenth century New England was the hunting ground of five female serial killers: Jane Toppan, Lydia Sherman, Nellie Webb, Harriet E. Nason, and Sara Jane Robinson.

Female killers are often portrayed as caricatures: Black Widows, Angels of Death, or Femme Fatales. But the real stories of these women are much more complex.

In Pretty Evil New England, true crime author Sue Coletta tells the story of these five women, from broken childhoods to first brushes with the death, and she examines the overwhelming urges that propelled these women to take the lives of a combined total of more than one-hundred innocent victims.

The murders, investigations, trials, and ultimate verdicts will stun and surprise readers as they live vicariously through the killers and the would-be victims that lived to tell their stories.

Fascinating! I think this is your first toe in the true crime water. How’d this come about?

I’ve written plenty of true crime stories on my blog, but not an entire book. This project challenged my storytelling skills to not only portray accurate points in history but to show readers how and why these women stole the lives of so many innocent victims. I accomplished my goal by slipping into the killers’ skin and showing the world through their eyes, as well as other key figures in the cases, including the dogged investigators who caught them.

How’d this project come about? I got lucky. *kidding* But seriously, things like this don’t happen every day. Here’s the scoop…

The stars aligned, angels sang, and the gates of heaven opened wide. That’s how it felt, anyway. In May of 2019, a woman on Twitter asked if I could follow her back so she could message me in private, but I didn’t respond right away. After a flood of recruiting cam girls all vying for me to join them, I’d become overly suspicious of strangers who asked to PM me. But once I read her bio — specifically the words “acquisitions editor” — my interest piqued. When I followed her back, I apologized for the delay in responding. In my defense, I was also working on final edits for RACKED, Grafton County Series, Book 4, at the time. Within minutes, she asked if she could email me instead.

After sending my email address, I still didn’t give the quick exchange much thought. But then my curiosity got the better of me and I engaged in a little online stalking research and discovered she worked at Globe Pequot, a publisher in Connecticut.

Still, I couldn’t quiet the voices in my head. What could this offer be about? Why me? Is this for real?

Due to past experiences it’s fair to say I was more leery than excited at that point. When the email dropped into my inbox moments later, I read it about a dozen times to search for clues of how the offer might be a cruel prank or something even more nefarious, like some hacker’s idea of a good time, a hacker who went through the motions of creating a fake Twitter profile for the sole purpose of tricking some poor schmuck like me.

If you’re thinking, wow, Sue’s skeptical and suspicious, you’re not wrong. Writers are the targets of numerous scams. If we don’t protect ourselves, who will?

Anyway… The signature line read “Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.,” and the proverbial lightbulb went off. Globe Pequot is the trade division of Rowman & Littlefield, one of the largest publishers of nonfiction and America’s leading book distributor. Both Globe Pequot and Rowman & Littlefield have been in business since 1949 and are highly regarded in the publishing industry.

In the email said she ran across my blog post Female Serial Killers — Unmasked during her initial research for a book idea. She also checked out my books, other articles on my blog, and social media presence before contacting me. Within a month we’d hashed out contract terms and I had a new project. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Now, you’ve been a crime writer for quite a while now. You’re no newbie when it comes to penning murder stories… especially serial killer tales. How’ve you found the change or transition from crime fiction to true crime?

True crime is a lot more work. For example, if the cast of “characters” didn’t say something in real life, I can’t put words in their mouths to benefit my story. Every piece of dialogue, action, clothes, décor, setting, etc., must mirror real life. For a fiction writer, it’s easy to let my mind reimagine the scene. But with true crime, I can’t. A funny thing happened while writing, though. I developed a fondness for accuracy. To write a compelling storyline while maintaining a factual narrative wasn’t easy, but I welcomed the challenge. Still do.

I had a chance to read an ARC (Advance Reading Copy) of Pretty Evil New England. Thank you very much, by the way, and it’s extremely well written. I’m blown away by the detail. You have precise legal documentation, forensic procedures, and entire evidentiary transcripts from events happening in the 1800s. How in the world did you pull this off?

My background as a thriller writer helped a lot. 😊 When the opportunity was first presented to me, I knew I didn’t want to write a dry history book. What fun is that? So, I structured Pretty Evil New England like a thriller. Weaving in historical documentation without slowing the pace took time, patience, and a lot of swearing. By the way, when you said prod with questions… this was not what I had in mind.

Builds character. Now, about women serial killers. Are they a rarity… or is it rare they get identified and caught?

They’re not as rare as you might think. Females make up 20% of all murderers. But, and this is huge, most female killers don’t stop at one victim. To put it into perspective, even though females only make up 20% of all killers, they represent a larger percentage of serial murders than of any other type of homicide in the U.S.

You deal with five main female serial killers in Pretty Evil New England. Did you come across more but couldn’t include them in your book?

While researching I found enough female serial killers to write about them for years.

Yikes! You did an amazing amount of research in putting Pretty Evil New England together. Give us some of the highlights.

Thanks! Maybe you can ease up on the pressure while I share some of my research trips

No, but go ahead anyway.

In the state archives I found old diaries spanning 50 years. These diaries were written by a close friend and neighbor of the New Hampshire victims and killer. The handwriting took me forever to decipher, but once I did the additions of diary entries added a cool touch to the overall storyline.

One of my coolest discoveries was an entire floor in the old house where several victims lived and died, a floor untouched by time, perfectly preserved in 1881. I laid my fingers on the same ivory keys of the piano that the victims and killer did. I sat on their sofa, admired their belongings, and perused their stunning mahogany and glass bookcases filled with priceless first editions. Surrounded by history, Bob and I were overcome by emotion. We could only stare — wide-eyed — taking it all in. It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. I was literally walking through the pages of my book.

Another research trip took me to a Potter’s field in Taunton, Massachusetts. It’s heartbreaking to view the graves of people who died, their bodies unclaimed by family, with nothing more than a number to mark their existence.

Then I drove to Cape Cod (6 hours round trip) and to Harvard University (4 hours round trip), which was also an amazing experience. One of the top physicians of late 1800s to early 1900s kept a scrapbook there, which is why I went. That trip also created a cool parallel between my life and my book. My mom went to Harvard, so it was the first time I got to experience a brief moment from her past. She died when I was a teenager. Like many folks who experience loss, I long for any brief glimpses of her life.

Touching. In all seriousness, Sue, that’s touching. You used some striking quotes about female serial killers that other authors over time produced. How about sharing some?

Thanks. I thought they were a cool feature. Here are the first three…

According to FBI behaviorists, the best way to survive a male serial killer’s attack is to let him get to know you on a personal level. By humanizing yourself, you’ll ruin his fantasy of you as a victim. This won’t work with a female serial killer. They already know you. — Federal Bureau of Investigation

It’s about the pleasure of the kill—the sense of power she gets—the buzz. Taking property is just a warm snack in the feast control—a little further satisfaction, a tingling in the killer’s tummy. — Peter Vronsky, author of Female Serial Killers

Although most female serial killers murder for money or other profit, some do it for the attention and sympathy they receive following the death of someone they cared for. — Psychology Today

Poison – The weapon of women. Is this an M.O. (modus operandi) unique to women killers… serial or otherwise? I don’t recall a case of a man using toxins in a murder.

Men use poison, too, but it’s not nearly as lethal as poison in a woman’s hand. One exception could be The Teacup Poisoner. In 1961, at age 14, an Englishman named Graham Young began testing different poisons on his family, eventually murdering his stepmother. He also poisoned his father, sister, and best friend. After confessing the following year, the court sentenced him to 9 years in a hospital for the criminally insane. At which time doctors released him as “cured,” even though he poisoned a fellow inmate and promised to murder one person for every year of incarceration. This led to two murders, two attempted murders, and 70 other poisonings over the next year. He received four life sentences for his crimes.

Two other quick examples: In 2008, David Steeves, a Long Island man, murdered his estranged wife with cyanide. In 2013, William Cain, a Kentucky man, plead guilty to adding “just a little rat poison” to his wife’s coffee.

Women prefer poison for various reasons.

  • Easy to obtain.
  • No muss, no fuss. A light sprinkle is all it takes.
  • No blood to clean up afterward.
  • They don’t need to hide the body.
  • The patients languish while they care for them.

Death by poison is not an easy way to go. Victim suffering pleases the female serial killers. Unlike men, women don’t keep trophies. Murder is their ultimate reward. If you think men are vicious, then you’ve never pushed a woman to the point of wanting to kill you. LOL

I had a woman try to kill me.

I sense a story here.

She hatchet-threw a mill bastard metal file at my head. The handle-less point jammed into the wall two inches from my left ear. Then I whacked her with my police-issued flashlight. Hey – I’m amazed by the toxicology sophistication used back then to identify poison. Give us the Cliffs Notes version of how arsenic works on the human body and how the forensic scientists back then identified arsenic poisoning.

Wasn’t that fascinating? I don’t mean nearly getting a metal-working tool imbedded in your brain. The toxicology… it blew my mind, too. Many of the toxicology tests are still used today.

Death by arsenic is a not a fun experience. In most cases, symptoms appear within the hour. The first sign is an acrid sensation in the throat, followed by nausea which grows more and more unbearable by the moment. Vomiting sets in and continues long after the stomach empties. The victim dry heaves until they’re throwing up fluid streaked with blood. The mouth parches, the tongue thickly coated as the throat constricts with an inextinguishable thirst. Anything he or she drinks only makes the vomiting worse. Uncontrollable diarrhea, often bloody, complete with racking abdominal pains. Some victims experience burning from mouth to anus. The eyes grow hollow. Swelling of lips, eyes, and under the chin can occur, and the skin is cold and clammy. Breathing labors, extremities ice cold, the heartbeat weak, and binding cramps in the muscles of the legs. Depending on the amount of arsenic administered, these symptoms last from a few hours to several days or weeks.

I should add, not all of the serial killers in this book used arsenic. Some were more creative.

How chemists detected poison back then? No matter how many times you hit me with the cattle prod, I refuse to give away all my secrets. Read the book. 😉

I didn’t hit you with the cattle prod. I zapped you. There’s a difference. Okay, I don’t want to give any details away about what happened to the pretty evil killers in your book, but I have a curiosity. When it came to trial, convictions, and sentencing… do you think these killers were treated lighter because they were women?

Hmm, without ruining the ending, I can say a couple of the juries might’ve gone easy on them, but in those cases, factors beyond gender were also at play. The others, no. Two in particular suffered fates worse than death.

I’m going to put you on a hot-spot. Do you think women are smarter than men when it comes to serial killing?

Absolutely. Ouch! Easy with electricity jolts. Okay, okay, I’ll explain…

On average a male serial killer’s reign lasts about four years. Female serial killers? Eight to ten years. And some last thirty years without detection. Imagine how many weren’t caught? Statistically speaking, women are simply better at serial killing than men. 😊

By definition, what is a serial killer? Just a sec… you shouldn’t be smoking. Gotta turn this down.

Whoah… smoking… no… that’s better. Today’s FBI definition is “the unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender(s), in separate events.” It used to be three or more with “a cooling off period,” but they’ve updated the definition since then.

By population percentage, are serial killers on the rise? Are they increasing in proportional numbers? Or, have they always been part of societies?

They’ve always been part of society, and that includes female serial killers. I don’t know if I’d say the numbers are increasing, necessarily. It may appear that way because law enforcement has better tools to identify serial clusters now. Though the numbers do boggle the mind. In May 2019, I wrote a post entitled How Many Serial Murderers Stalk Your Streets, which offers eye-opening statistics for each state within the U.S. as well as an overall count for numerous other countries, including Canada.

Any idea many serial killers are active in the United States alone today?

Last time I checked the database (2019) we had 1,948 active serial killers in the United States. The good news is, after age 30, your chances of being murdered by a serial killer drastically reduces.

I’m well past 30. Okay. Let’s get off this gruesome topic and talk about me for a while. J… K… Let’s talk about Sue Coletta. What’s your background? How’d you get your writer chops? Where’re you at today? And what does tomorrow bring once Pretty Evil New England tops the charts?

My background is in law (paralegal). I also owned & operated two hair salons. During that time, I wrote about a dozen children’s books. Not for publication, just for friends’ kids to enjoy. It wasn’t till 2012 that we moved north, and I tried my hand at crime writing. How did I get my start? I chose the traditional publishing path, so querying, rejection, and finally scoring my first contract. I continue to write thrillers in my two series, Grafton County Series and Mayhem Series. I’m also working on Book 1 of a new true crime series, which is out on submission. This time around, rather than feature multiple female serial killers, I’ve focused on one ruthless woman whose crimes shocked even me.

Nasty. One curiosity. In Pretty Evil New England, you end with an interesting notation that death certificate procedure changed following the cases in the book. Can you elaborate on this?

Back in the day, attending physicians didn’t need to be present to issue a death certificate. In some cases, the doctor hadn’t examined his patient in weeks or months. Polite New England society didn’t browbeat the patient’s kin to dig for the truth. Instead, they relied on the family’s firsthand accounts to fill in the blanks.

The murderous acts of the five female serial killers depicted in Pretty Evil New England shook the foundation of medical and legal communities far and wide. These “ladies’” crimes led to death certification reform and a ban on arsenic in embalming fluid.

Last call. Where and when can DyingWords followers get a copy of Pretty Evil New England — True Stories of Violent Vixens and Murderous Matriarchs?

The “official” release is November 1, 2020, but readers can preorder at the following links and the books will be delivered by that date.

Amazon (all countries, Kindle & paperback)
Barnes & Noble (NOOK & paperback)
Books-A-Million (ebook & paperback)
IndieBound (paperback)
BookShop (paperback)
Globe Pequot
Rowman & Littlefield

Now, untie me! I’ll stick around for DyingWords readers as long as you keep that prod-thing to yourself.


Sue Coletta is no longer tied up and prodded for answers. She’s now available on the comment board. And… Sue has a free print copy of Pretty Evil waiting for one lucky person who writes “Gimme The Book” in the comment box. Thanks, Sue. You’re a sport!

Write “Gimme The Book” in the comments and win a FREE copy of Pretty Evil New England!

Sue Coletta (right) and Garry Rodgers (left) are crime writers from opposite sides of the North American continent. Sue is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, the Kill Zone, and International Thriller Writers, She’s also an award-winning crime writer. Sue Coletta writes two serial killer thriller series, Grafton County Series (Tirgearr Publishing) and Mayhem Series (Tirgearr Publishing), with a Mayhem Series crossover novella in Susan Stoker’s World (Aces Press) and another in Elle James’ World (Twisted Page Press). Sue also writes true crime for Globe Pequot, trade division of Rowman & Littlefield Group, Inc. PRETTY EVIL NEW ENGLAND hits bookstores Nov. 1, 2020. Here’s Sue’s Youtube trailer for Pretty Evil.


Interrogation. Just the word elicits your vision of forcible confinement in a hot and windowless room, shoved in a wooden chair with one leg shorter than others, a bright light from a bare bulb burning over your head, and hulking forms of trench-coated detectives firing hardboiled questions in your face. The truth is different. A lot different. There’s a high skill involved in getting useful information from people, and not everyone is cut out for the job. Are you? Would you be a good police interrogator?

To start, drop the “interrogation” word. It’s not correct to say “interrogation” in today’s professional police procedures. The right terms are “interview” and “dialogue exchange”. And, they’re more applicable because the vast majority of police-civilian interactions are respectful interchanges of relevant information.

I’ve spent a good part of my life talking to people and getting information. I learned long ago that you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. I also learned you slide a lot further on bullshit than you do on gravel. I made those principles the core of my information-gathering days. I also practiced another fundamental rule. That’s that the best interrogators interviewers are the best listeners.

Where’s this going? I subscribe to Psychology Today. I recently read a piece by Mary Ellen O’Toole, Ph.D. in her regular column Criminal Minds where she set out ten questions with graded responses to her Are You A Good Listener Test. Dr. Mary Ellen O’Toole was a senior profiler at the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit and author of Dangerous Instincts: How Gut Feelings Betray Us. Here’s her short ten-question exam to see if you would be a good police interrogator. Sorry… police interviewer.


1. Typically, how emotional (frightened, insecure, angry, etc.) do I get when I am attempting to interview someone? (Rate this on a scale of 1-3)

1 = very emotional
2 = nonemotional and detached
3 = I remain interested and tempered

2. Typically, how often do I interrupt?

1 = several times during a conversation
2 = just once or twice during a conversation
3 = almost never

3. Do I say things like “What? You have got to be kidding me,” – or- “That reminds me of the time I…” – or – “You think that’s bad, let me tell you about…”

1 = frequently
2 = sometimes
3 = rarely

4. Do I roll my eyes, put my head down, shake my head back and forth, throw myself back in my chair, turn away, get up and walk away, show signs of anger or threatening behavior, or otherwise display that I am not paying attention or do not like what the other person is saying?

1 = frequently
2 = sometimes
3 = rarely

5. Do I fidget until people stop talking and then immediately respond without considering what they’ve said?

1= frequently
2 = sometimes
3 = rarely

6. Do I let my mind wander to all the other things on my “to do” list and keep thinking that I just don’t have the time for this?

1 = frequently
2 = sometimes
3 = rarely

7. Do I wait until the nanosecond when the speaker goes to take a breath to pounce on him or her with my opinions?

1 = frequently
2 = sometimes
3 = rarely

8. Do I hijack the conversation? For instance by saying something like, “Look we’ve been over this a million times. Your ideas are just not going to work. This is what we are going to do.”

1 = frequently
2 = sometimes
3 = rarely

9. I reflect the person’s thoughts and feelings back to the person I am listening to.

1 = rarely
2 = sometimes
3 = frequently

10. I ask open-ended questions to encourage the other person to talk.

1 = rarely
2 = sometimes
3 = frequently

Total Score = ______

The higher the score – the better your listening skills tend to be and the better interrogator interviewer you would be. Note: This is not a scientific test and has not been validated or otherwise vetted. These opinions are those of Dr. O’Toole and do not represent the views of the FBI.

My experience is that the key to successful information gathering is simply listening to what’s being said. Does it make sense? Does it fit? Does it make you ask more questions? Or does what’s being said to you satisfy what you’re after?

Let me know in the comments how you made out on the test!


When it comes to capital punishment, the State of Texas leads the execution pack. Texas has the highest death row inmate count in the US and carries out the most lethal injections in the country. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) administers their state’s death sentence mandate and maintains an informative website with transparent statistics. Part of the TDCJ site are last statement quotes from the condemned after they’re strapped to the gurney and wait to die from a needle.

It sounds macabre (or downright weird) to spend the afternoon paging through the TDCJ Death Row site and reading last words of people about to die. However, I found it fascinating how folks who were about to meet their maker thought. I’ll introduce you to some of these doomed inmates, tell you what they did, and let you read verbatim quotes as they were about to expire. But first, let me tell you what brought this on.

A few years ago, I had business in Austin, Texas and was on my way to the airport to fly back to Canada. There, along the side of Route 183, was this gigantic electronic billboard with information by the TDCJ of how many executions had been done since capital punishment was reinstated in 1974. It included the next scheduled date of a state-sanctioned killing.

“Now there’s something you won’t see up in Canada.” I pointed at the sign and said to the taxi driver. “What?” The cabbie sounded puzzled. “Y’all don’t execute felons up there?” I shook my head. “No, but we probably should. I can think of a few names for the list.”

I never forgot this experience and, from time to time, I check in with the TDCJ Death Row website to see how they’re making out in the Lone Star State. I did that today, and I surfed the “Recent Executions” page and read some of the “Last Statements”. I thought it might make a good blog post that fits with my tagline “Provoking Thoughts on Life, Death, and Writing”. It also might trigger a few unsubscribers to my mailing list.

Here are a few felons who appeared in the Texas death row chamber – including what they did to get there and what they said going out.

Abel Revill Ochoa shot and killed his wife and two daughters, aged 7 years and 9 months. He also killed his parents-in-law in an unspeakable manor. Last Statement: “Yes sir. I would like to thank God, my dad, my Lord Jesus savior for saving me and changing my life. I want to thank you for forgiving me. Thank you, Warden.

Michael Riley beat two defenseless women to death with a baseball bat and then performed necrophilia on their bloody corpses. Last Statement: “I’m ready. I told you years ago that I was ready. Synnova, tell everyone I got full on Chicken and Pork Chops. Rodney, take care of my mom. To the fellas on the row, stay strong. Renee, I love you baby. Fleetwood is up out of here. I’m ready, Warden.

Larry Swearingen strangled a 19-year-old girl with a black electrical cord. Last Statement: “Lord forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.”

Billy Wayne Coble shot his estranged wife’s parents and brother dead, then stole their car and kidnapped his wife after tying their four kids to a bed. This ended in a wild car chase with the police where the getaway car was wrecked but the wife and Coble survived. Last Statement: “Yes Sir, that will be five Dollars. I love you, I love you, and I love you. Mike, I love you. Where’s Nelley at? I love you. That will be five dollars. Take Care.”

Robert Moreno Ramos murdered his wife and children, aged 3 and 4, by bludgeoning them with a blunt object. He hid the bodies under the floor and had a new woman move in three days later. When the smell started, she suspected something and called the police. Last Statement: “I am thankful for the humane treatment that I was given here at the 2 prisons that I was at. I am getting my gold watch that it took the Governor 30 years to forge. Thank you God, Lord send me a chariot. I’m ready.”

Juan Edward Costello cold-bloodedly shot a 19-year-old male during a robbery. Last Statement: “To everyone that has been there for me you know who you are.  Love y’all.  See y’all on the other side. That’s it.”

Troy Clark beat a woman, drowned her in a bathtub, and then dumped her body in a rural Texas ditch. She was found five months later. Last Statement: “I’m not the one that killed Christina, so whatever makes ya’ll happy.  I love ya’ll. I’ll see you on the other side. Ya’ll be good. OK Warden, I’m ready.”

Erick Daniel Davila crashed a Houston birthday party and shot a mother and her five-year-old daughter. Last Statement: “Yes, I would like to say nephew it burns, huh. You know I might have lost the fight but I’m still a soldier. I still love you all. To my supporters and family y’all hold it down. Ten Toes down right. That’s all.”

Rosendo Rodriguez III sexually assaulted and killed a pregnant  woman, cut her up and removed the fetus, then stashed the severed remains in a suitcase buried in a park. Last Statement: “The medical examiner and the chief nurse were engaged in numerous false illegal acts. They tried to cover up that thousands were wrongfully convicted by Matt Powell, district attorney. This needs to be brought to justice. I call upon the FBI to investigate Matt Powell and the Lubbock County Medical Examiner. Lastly, I was born and raised Catholic and it was not lost upon me that this is Holy Week and last Sunday was Palm Sunday. Yesterday was my birthday. Today is the day I join my God and father. The state may have my body but not my soul. In order to save my brothers on death row I call upon Pope Francis and all the people of the world. Lastly, I want everyone to boycott every single business in the state of Texas until all the businesses are pressed to stop the death penalty. With that Lord I commend my spirit. Warden, I am ready to join my father.”

William Rayford beat, strangled, and stabbed a woman to death then threw her body in a creek. The woman’s 11 and 14-year-old sons watched the crime. Last Statement: “First, I would like to praise my Lord Jesus Christ. I ask for forgiveness to the Thomas Family for my past choices I made.  Carol did not deserve for what I’ve done.  I’ve asked God to forgive me.  Please find it in your hearts to forgive me.  I’m sorry it has been bothering me for a long time.  So I now pray and I will keep you all in my prayers.  I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.  I’m sorry. To my supporters Daniel, brother Charlie, Steve and all who stood by me, thank you.  By no means am I happy for what I’ve done.  I have asked the Lord to forgive me.  Please tell everyone I’m certain I left off some names.  Tell the kids I’m sorry for being a disappointment.  Thank you. God bless.  I’m ready, Warden.”

Anthony Allen Shore was a Texas serial killer who was caught for four sex-killings. Last Statement: “I will die with a clear conscience.  I made my peace. There is no others. I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Barbara Carrol, today is her birthday. God bless everybody until we meet again. I am ready, Warden.”

Ruben Ramirez Cardenas was convicted of kidnapping a 16-year-old girl from her bedroom and taking her by vehicle to a remote location where he raped and beat her to death. Last Statement: “I will not and cannot apologize for someone else’s crime, but, I will be back for justice!  You can count on that!

Robert Lynn Pruett was serving a life sentence for murder when he beat a correctional officer to death. Last Statement: “I’m ready to go but I’ll be back. Nighty night everybody, nighty night everybody. I’m done, Warden.”

Taichin Preyor stalked his ex-girlfriend, broke into her home, and fatally stabbed her. Last Statement: “I’d like to say, ‘Justice has never advanced by taking a life… by Coretta Scott King’. That’s it.”

Terry Edwards was a Texas career criminal who got the death sentence for shooting two clerks during a robbery. Last Statement: “I made peace with God. I hope y’all make peace with this.”

Barney Ronald Fuller got in a dispute with his neighbors, so he shot them. Last Statement: “I don’t have anything to say, you can proceed Warden Jones.”

Coy Westbrook was paroled and invited to his ex-wife’s home. Drinking ensued and the ex disappeared with two men who Coy found her having sex with. He shot the ménage-a-trois as well as three other men at the house. Last Statement: “I have no bad sentiment towards anyone.  I can understand your outrage and why you are mad at me.”

Richard Matheson killed a man for no other reason than to watch him die. Last Statement:  “I am alright with this, you have to live and die by the choices that we make. I have made mine. I am ready.”

Raphael Holiday burned three kids to death in their Madison County home. Two were step-children and one was his own 1-year-old daughter. Last Statement: “Yes, I would like to thank all of my supporters and loved ones. I love you, love y’all, always going to be with y’all. Thank you, Warden.”

Licho Escamilla shot and killed a Texas cop. Last Statement: “From California to New York thank you for all of your support. Pope Francis, God’s children has asked the State of Texas to switch my death sentence to life in prison. But the State of Texas has refused to listen to God’s children, they will have to take that up with God. Let everyone know it’s not over. Keep your head up, keep your faith in God. That’s it, Warden.”

Lester Bower was a Texas hit-man for a Columbian drug cartel. He was convicted on multiple gangland murders. Last Statement: “Much has been written about my case, not all of it has been the truth. But the time is over and now it is time to move on. I want to thank my attorneys for all that they have done. The have afforded me the last quarter of a century. I would like to thank my wife, my daughters, family and friends for unwavering support, and all of the letters and well wishes over the years. Now it is time to pass on. I have fought the good fight, I held the faith. I am not going to say goodbye. I will simply say until we meet again. Thank you, Warden.”

Charles Derrick broke into his ex-girlfriend’s place and strangled a man who was visiting her. He waited till the girlfriend and her mother arrived and he killed them, too. Last Statement: “I’m ready to go home.”

Manuel Garza shot a police officer with the officer’s own service handgun. Last Statement: “Thank you for being here. I am sorry for all of the pain that I have caused my family, friends, and extended family. Especially to the Police Officers, I know you probably hate me. What happened between me and Rocky happened too fast. I didn’t know what happened. I wish y’all peace and love. I hope you have found God just like I have. God bless y’all. I will see you on the other side. I love you.

Donald Newbury escaped from prison where he was serving firearms and robbery convictions. Newbury shot a police officer who responded to another hold-up Newbury was pulling. Last Statement: “Each new indignity defeats only the body… pampering the spirit with obscure merit. That’s it.

Robert Ladd robbed and hammer-murdered a 39-year-old woman while he was out on mandatory supervision by the TDCJ. Last Statement: “A revenge death won’t get you anything. Let’s ride.”

Cleve Foster sexually assaulted and shot a 28-year-old-woman. He dumped her body in a drainage ditch where pipe-layers found it months later. Last Statement: “Warden, I am looking to leave this place on wings of a homesick angel. Ready to go home to meet my maker.”

Cary D. Kerr was convicted by a Texas jury for raping a woman and throwing her out of a moving vehicle that caused her death. Last Statement: “I am an innocent man. Never trust a court-appointed attorney. I am ready, Warden. Check that DNA, check Scott. Here we go. Lord Jesus, Jesus.”

Roy Pippin maintained his innocence till the end. A Texas jury convicted Pippin of multiple murders to cover his company financial embezzlement. Last Statement: “Yes sir, I charge the people of the jury. Trial Judge, the Prosecutor that cheated to get this conviction. I charge each and every one of you with the murder of an innocent man. All the way to the CCA, Federal Court, 5th Circuit, and Supreme Court. You will answer to your Maker when God has found out that you executed an innocent man. May God have mercy on you. If my murder makes it easier for everyone else let the forgiveness please be a part of the healing. Go ahead Warden, murder me.

Douglas Roberts kidnapped, robbed, and murdered a man in San Antonio then ran over him with a car to crush the evidence before phoning the police to report a dead body. Last Statement: “Yes sir, Warden. Okay, I’ve been hanging around this popsicle stand way too long. Before I leave, I want to tell you all. When I die, bury me deep, lay two speakers at my feet, put some headphones on my head and rock and roll me when I’m dead. I’ll see you in Heaven someday. That’s all, Warden.”

Suzanne Basso was a nasty piece of work. She sucked a mentally-handicapped man into a marriage proposal and took a life insurance policy on him. Then, she beat him to death with a belt, a bat, steel-toed boots, and her bare hands. Last Statement: *Quote from TDCJ – This offender declined to make a last statement.*