I rarely get political on DyingWords but there comes a time when I must criticize a political regime with a tyrannical agenda. I’m not talking China, or North Korea, or crumbling Afghanistan. No, it’s the Canadian Federal Liberal Government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Today, I’m sharing a highly thought-out and articulate YouTube video presented by my daughter, Emily Rodgers, who calls out Justin Trudeau for his increasingly tyrannical actions. First, let me rant about what’s happening to free speech in Canada under Trudeau’s watch.

Merriam-Webster defines tyranny as:

  1. Oppressive power exerted by government.
  2. A government in which absolute power is vested in a single leader.
  3. The office, authority, and administration of a tyrant.
  4. A rigorous condition imposed by a ruler or government.
  5. An oppressive, harsh, or unjust act.

I’m not going to list Justin Trudeau’s faults other than say he’s a procrastinating autocrat officially cited three times for unethical behavior—each of which should have had him removed from power. I’m going to directly speak to two tyrannical legislative bills intentionally drafted by Trudeau’s inner circle to curtail Canadian free speech.

One is Bill C-10 — An Act to Amend the Broadcasting Act and to Make Related and Consequential Amendments to Other Acts. It’s disguised as a protective action against tech giants like Netflix and TikTok to compel them into conforming to traditional Canadian broadcasting regulations by financing and promoting Canadian content (ie. propaganda approved by the federal government’s Canadian Broadcasting Corporation—the CBC.) In reality, what Bill C-10 does is curtail Canadians from hearing too much foreign content and reduce domestic criticism against their reigning government.

The other is a forthcoming disaster. It’s proposed as Bill C-36 and hides behind the mask of preventing hate speech. Should Justin Trudeau’s government be reelected in the current and completely unnecessary federal election, Bill C-36 is on the table. It will allow any person who remotely thinks someone else might publish, promote, or even propose an idea that might constitute “hate speech” to drag their target into court for a preemptive strike. Talk about open-season for witch hunts.

Enough of my rant. Here are Emily’s thoughts calling out Justin Trudeau. She’s saying what a lot of Canadians think but are progressively being restricted to say. A transcript follows Emily’s video.


Hello/bonjour Justin,

Either you’re oblivious to the imminent fallout of this carefully curated hysteria campaign of yours, or you know exactly where it’s headed, and you’re hoping you’ll get away with it.

Either you haven’t thought through the philosophical, moral, societal, psychological, and spiritual implications of the agenda you’re pushing, or you know exactly what those implications are, and you’re just hoping most people won’t figure them out.

Either you’re so short-sighted and inept at crafting viable long-term policies based on a thoughtfully weighed cost-benefit assessment, or you know exactly the price that will be paid and the clear benefit you hope it will afford you.

Either you’re incompetent, or you’re evil.

These two things aren’t mutually exclusive; your incompetence does not exempt you from moral responsibility.

You have a duty, as a leader of a Western nation, to have an explicit understanding of the philosophical basis for our civilization. You have a duty to be able to argue for our basic principles, our basic worldview, and our basic moral beliefs. It is your job to be able to explicitly explain and describe to people why Canada is a free Western nation, what freedom means, and what the implications are of failing to thoroughly define and stick to a moral worldview that fundamentally accepts the worth, dignity, and value of every human life, beginning and ending with the guiding belief that we are free; that our very identity as individuals is God-given liberty itself.

Western nations all operate on the fundamental tenet that the default nature of the world is tyranny, and that unless societies organize themselves politically to agree on the best way to beat back its looming control, we will eventually fall into tyranny’s possession.

This means that you have an obligation as the voice who represents a Western nation to describe to people what this vision is and to continuously reinforce it. This vision has altogether become far too distant to too many in our society. We act as if we are many generations removed from a significant and overt threat of tyranny. Our society has gotten to a place that is so free, so equal, and so abundant that we have developed a devastating blind spot. We are blind to the ease at which tyranny can swoop in and take over, reducing us to nothing more than a herd of obedient, lifeless zombies.

Some people accuse you of being a communist plant. But not all of us believe you are intelligent enough for this to be a coordinated, calculated plan whereby you are chiefly orchestrating a tyrannical takeover. You haven’t earned that kind of credit. Your critical thinking skills—your knowledge of core philosophy—are so woefully deficient that your undirected and feckless worldview has simply been smoothly supplanted by the resilient ideological virus that is tyranny. You are so excruciatingly incompetent at having an essential understanding of what makes our civilization so great that you have become an easy host for the parasite of tyranny.

You are weak. You are compromised. You are defenseless against its invasion because you haven’t done the hard work of contemplating the universal political truths that are required to defend us against it. You don’t understand how we got here; to the most successful and prosperous civilization ever.

You are in no position to guide a Western nation as significant as Canada because you don’t have the fully-developed faculties of reason, logic, and understanding that are needed to defend the good, true, and beautiful worldview that Western civilization stands for.

What’s worse, Justin, you don’t seem to have the heart for it.

You are permeable to mental infiltration by insidious, evil, immoral, unconscionable ideologies that seek to keep people imprisoned within their own hearts and minds.

You have neither the fortitude nor the intellectual rigor that are necessary to defend us and our way of life that we hold dear.

And because of this glaring weakness, you are also too arrogant to know just how many people see right through you. We see exactly where you are ineffectual and exactly how petty you are.

There is an immutable truth about the human being, and that’s that inside each of us is imbued a spiritual compass that points us toward reality itself. Call it a conscience, call it a soul, call it a moral ought, call it whatever you want. But this immutable truth that each of us possesses will always ultimately conquer the lies that tyrants try to weaponize against our dignity and autonomy.

We’re being told not to trust the truth that we see before us.

We’re being told that our reasonable and warranted skepticism is unwarranted and irrational.

We’re being told that to question the insult to reality that’s being inflicted on all of our psyches makes us the bad guys.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time. And don’t think that just because you have the media machine helping you distort reality that the majority of us will continue to play along. There is a significant number of us who see what’s happening; we smell the disingenuousness, and we know we’re being manipulated.

Here’s another immutable truth: Once people wake up and realize how they were played, they tend to counteract by showing their teeth. We have an innate predisposition to defend our personal dignity, which is why tyranny begins its strategy by attacking a person’s self-respect.

Don’t think you’ll get away with this game forever. Don’t think the charade will last. You’re dealing with people raised by the Western heart. Conquering tyranny is our religion. It is our worldview. It is our philosophy. It is our way of life. It’s in our blood.

Justice will prevail in the end. And tell me, Justin, will your blatant, cheap power-grab be worth it when the sentencing inevitably gets handed down?


The no-longer-silent majority


  1. Donna Meness

    Never mind that Trudeau sent Micheal Wernick to strong arm JWR about SNC Lavelin – after all he worked at Indian Affairs as deputy minister for 8 yrs. – he figured he would deal with her – he tried but didnt work his way eh..grin.

    The other thing to remember when Wernick was working for Canada while at Indian Affairs he gave employees in the department the highest award possible for fighting Jordan’s Principle, a program helps First Nations children received medical and health treatments..




    In 2007, Parliament passed a motion supporting Jordan’s Principle, although it would take a decade and several non-compliance orders issued by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to see the principle properly implemented.


    A review of documents by APTN found the government likely spent up to $9 million on legal fees fighting the child welfare case as of late 2019.

    Last year, Blackstock told PressProgress the government spent over $12 million on the decade-old legal battle between 2007 and 2016.

    Trudeau gave the highest medal to the woman doctor who limited health benefits ..remember the girl who needed braces & Canada sent 11 lawyers – The lady in charge of that program got a Order of Canada medal..( I am still researching that part)


    (An x-ray of Josey Willier’s teeth which her doctor said needed braces to alleviate chronic teeth and jaw pain.)

    Editor’s Note: In the story about Josey Willier’s braces, APTN News reported that her braces cost $8,000. APTN was contacted by the office of Jane Philpott, minister of Indigenous Services to say that the braces, originally paid for by the family, only cost $6,000.

    The federal government did spend $100,000 in legal fees arguing in court that the braces should not be covered under the non-insured health benefits program



    1. Donna Meness

      Remember the Crocodile TEARS during the Tragically Hip concert…

      St. Anne’s survivors battled Conservative, Liberal governments over suppressed police records


      The 2006 Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement created a compensation mechanism known as the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). Under the IAP, adjudicators would hear evidence from survivors to determine compensation amounts. The federal government provided the bulk of the documented evidence for claims and was also able to challenge allegations of abuse.

      For the first seven years of the IAP, the federal Department of Justice, under the Harper government, withheld thousands of pages of OPP records, along with criminal and civil records from cases involving St. Anne’s.

      Mentions of the OPP investigation and subsequent court cases were deleted from the St. Anne’s school history — known as the school narrative — provided to survivors and their lawyers for preparing compensation cases.

      The Trudeau government then spent millions of dollars fighting attempts by St. Anne’s survivors to reopen compensation cases based on the Justice Department’s failure to disclose the police and court records.

  2. Maggie Petrushevsky

    Love it. What the party faithful ignored when Justin was crowned was that while he had his father’s name, he had his mother’s brain. In other words, he got his father’s arrogance without his intellect and boy, are we paying for relying on the old man’s charisma. He isn’t as boorish as Trump but Justin’s almost as sneaky.

    1. Garry Rodgers Post author

      You’ve spoken the truth, Maggie, and many people can’t handle it. I’ve had 24 people unsubscribe from my email list with this political post, but this blog’s theme is “Provoking Thoughts on Life, Death, and Writing” and life’s current situation in Canada is that political tyranny (my way or the highway) is curtailing free speech and that affects my writing. On the record, I’m not a rabid right winger. I’m a small-C conservative with a social conscience and, federally, I’ve voted 50/50 Liberal/Conservative over the years. Provincially, I’m a free enterpriser and I once sat on the board of directors for the early-type BC Liberals – I have a framed, personal thank-you letter from the then-premier for helping in the 2001 election. Moving forward to 2021, I have to say I think the BC New Democrats are doing a pretty good job, given the circumstances. So partisan – this post calling out Justin Trudeau is not partisan. My political stripes are to speak to the truth and foster prosperity. A government under Justin Trudeau does neither. And thanks for your comment!

  3. Sue Coletta

    As you know, I stay away from voicing my political views online. Plus, I’m not Canadian, so there’s that. 😉 Emily did a wonderful job, though! So well-spoken and thought out.

    1. Garry Rodgers Post author

      Thanks, Sue. Em’s a very switched-on young lady. I almost always refrain from politics on this blog – same with sex and religion (except for the time I stumbled upon the Southwest Leather Convention) but this is an important Canadian crossroad we’re at where the current federal government is pushing their socialist agenda way, way too far and restricting our right to free speech – free thought, too, if they could get away with it. Enough of my rant for a long time. I have other things to do like refinishing my grandmother’s old writing chair for my newly-renovated writing & recording studio. I’m looking forward to your virtual visit. Enjoy your day my politically-avoiding, non-Canadian BFF (online wife 🙂

  4. Harvey Stanbrough

    Garry, down here in the lower 48 they aren’t brave enough to openly take responsibility for censoring our free speech. Instead, the current administration gets his big business cronies (Facebook, et al) to do the dirty work. And during our presidential election, they had the utter audacity to cover the windows of some polling places with sheets of paper so people couldn’t see what the vote counters were doing or where all those extra votes were coming from for biden/harris. They literally stole the election, and here’s the kicker: aside from a few brave souls who staged what socialists are calling an “insurrection” (after four long years of almost daily violent rioting in the streets across the country was called by the mainstream media “mostly peaceful protests” while buildings burned in the background) apparently nobody cared. I’m done with the whole mess. Now that socialists have stolen a presidential election with impunity, and now that the current administration is setting aside the Constitution at every turn, there is literally nowhere left to go on Earth to leave socialism and communism behind.

    1. Garry Rodgers Post author

      You certainly can’t come north of the 49th parallel to leave socialism/communism behind, Harvey. That monster is alive, up from the slab, out the door, and terrorizing villagers up here. Fortunately, there are a lot of Canadians who see right through the “free lunch if you keep your mouth zipped” bullshit. I’m well familiar with your Declaration of Independence – “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world”, and your Constitution’s First Amendment – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It would do everyone in the world well to read these two documents yearly.

    2. Deb Gorman

      Right on, Harvey. It’s refreshing to see your words in print, because they’re exactly what’s been in my heart for awhile now. I can’t recall a time of such confusion since I was 16, and my whole existence was confusing. We must not go quietly into the night.

    1. Garry Rodgers Post author

      Well, if we did one thing right that was to allow our children to be free thinkers and speakers. So proud of you, Em, and thanks for standing up for the truth!

  5. Deb Gorman

    Wow! So well-written. Thanks, Garry and Emily.

    Here’s what I think: we here in America can substitute the name(s) of our government leader(s) in this open letter.

    “Don’t think you’ll get away with this game forever. Don’t think the charade will last. You’re dealing with people raised by the Western heart. Conquering tyranny is our religion. It is our worldview. It is our philosophy. It is our way of life. It’s in our blood.”

    Freedom-loving Canadians and Americans are cut from the same steel, forged in the blood of our patriots.

    Thanks again. The best read I’ve enjoyed in a long time.


    1. Garry Rodgers Post author

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Deb. Over the years, I’ve visited or traveled though 37 of your 50 states. I have never had one negative experience in the US, and I have tremendous respect for the American free enterprise spirit and the First Amendment. Many people outside of Canada view our nation as a peaceful, stable, and socialist country and a beacon to the world of freedom. That’s changing under a current federal government that is far too comfy with communists.

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