Author Archives: Garry Rodgers

About Garry Rodgers

After three decades as a Royal Canadian Mounted Police homicide detective and British Columbia coroner, International Best Selling author and blogger Garry Rodgers has an expertise in death and the craft of writing on it. Now retired, he wants to provoke your thoughts about death and help authors give life to their words.


Yes, I’m the first to admit. I’ve got a bit of a lazy streak in me. You probably do, too. That’s okay, though, because we humans are naturally programmed to be lazy. It served the biological survival of our species well which is exactly what Mother Nature intended. So blame her for you and me having a natural inclination to sack on the couch, swill beer, (wine in my case) and sleepily abuse the remote.

Laziness has roots in our survival instincts. A long, long time ago, our ancestors didn’t have to think long term. They had to remain focused on the here and now so they could react and survive in case they were attacked by enemies, animals and, well, by nature herself. Conserving energy was paramount to ensuring survival when attacked.

Now, in the modern age, when survival isn’t a top priority, this instinct prevents some of us (me and probably you) from engaging in, or get going on, things—projects—that don’t bring immediate results. We won’t delay our gratification and we subconsciously justify it through procrastination. The reason for human laziness is carved deep into our brain structures. We’re hard-wired to sit on our behind and do nothing unless we really have to.

Another reason for people’s laziness is they haven’t found their own true path. They haven’t developed a dream—a big dream—of what they want to achieve in their life. They haven’t found the soul—the true passion or the fire within—that’s paramount to pursuing that dream, taking massive action, and making that dream a success.

What is success? I just Googled Merriam-Webster that said this: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. I found another good quote that puts “success” into clear perspective: Accomplishing something you really want to accomplish in the world and getting others to support it and agree that it’s of value.

I’ll share something with you. I have a dream that started in April. A big dream. A huge dream. A monster dream. (Yeah… I know… dreaming big in the middle of a big pandemic…) And I’ve found a passion in my soul that I’ve never felt before.

Yet, I’ve also found a bit of a lazy streak I didn’t want to admit existed. I feel like a push-me-pull-you. In one sense, I have a burning desire to create this dream into a success. In another, I have a reluctance to get my ass in the chair, my fingers on the keys, and do the work.

I’ll tell you what my enormous dream is but, first, let me explain how I got onto this lazy human topic.


Bill O’Hanlon says he’s the laziest successful person he knows. And Bill knows a lot of lazy people who’ve become successes. Who’s Bill O’Hanlon? Bill is a success guru who wrote A Lazy Man’s Guide to Success. It’s a short and free pdf of 59 pages, and I loved it.

Bill, by the way, is a psychotherapist, author of over thirty books, and a highly sought-after motivational speaker. He’s been on Oprah, spoken internationally many, many times, and is an all-around genuine guy. He runs a website called the Possibility Land, and I found him quite by chance when I was looking for a DyingWords topic.

I’ll sum up Bill O’Hanlon’s Lazyman’s Guide to Success real quick by stealing right from the man himself:

If you are really impatient and don’t have the time or the self-discipline to read my entire guide, here are the Cliff’s Notes formula for success:

  1. Find your soul: the aliveness, energy, passion, and uniqueness that the world has tried to squeeze and shame out of you since you came out of your momma.
  2. Get a dream, a vision, or a direction by following what turns you on or what pisses you off (or both). It’s best to choose one that makes a contribution to the world and is not just about meeting your personal needs.
  3. Take action towards realizing that vision.
  4. Notice whether the actions you have taken have produced results that are moving you towards your goals or dreams. If so, do more of them until you get there. If not, do something different.
  5. Take massive actions, make adjustments based on your observations of the results, vary your actions, and do not stop until you arrive at your destination. I don’t mean that each action you take must be big or bold. You may start with a small step, but start.
  6. Do not be distracted or dissuaded from action by your feelings. Do not attend to or go with your feelings unless they are feelings that help you move forward. Have faith in yourself and the universe, especially when things look bad.
  7. Create more and more evidence in the world that your dream is real so that others will believe in it too.
  8. Keep moving toward your dream – no matter what. Persistence can be powerful.


Not a bad formula at all, Bill. Not bad at all. “Find your passion. Build a dream. Take massive actions. Have faith. Keep moving toward your dream – no matter what.” You gotta like that advice. One problem, though. Humans are naturally lazy.

Okay. This big dream I have that I’m slowly acting upon? It started in April 2021 and was hidden behind a mask. Literally.

I had the idea of creating a new crime fiction series based on the old hardboiled/noir detective stories of a hundred years ago that were so, so popular. What’s old is new again, right? I see a resurgence of hardboiled headed right at us and almost nobody’s doing it.

That got my soul energized, and I planned out a series while out on long, soul-soothing walks. The concept, characters, and storylines came from here, there, and everywhere within my imagination. Soon, I had an imaginary city built in my mind—a dangerous city filled with heroes and villains and corruption unbound.

I was on a Zoom call with a film industry acquaintance regarding a non-scripted project on a historical multi-murder case I worked on. We wrapped that up for the day, and he asked what filmmakers should ask content producers (aka writers), “So, what else ya got goin’?”

I told him, “I have this dream for a hardboiled detective crime fiction series. The logline is a modern city in crisis enlists two private detectives from its 1920s past to dispense street justice and restore social order. A leading lady and leading man team involving time travel. It’s called City Of Danger.”

There was a long pause till he said, “Reeeally… This is exactly what we’re lookin’ for.”

To make a long story short, City Of Danger is well underway. The video/film rights are verbally optioned to a major netstreaming company—call me stupid for not taking cash up front but, on some forceful advice from an entertainment-specialist lawyer, I’ve left my mean streets and perilous avenues open until I fully understand my product’s potential and its optimum value.

Creatively, my soul was lit like the Rockefeller Christmas tree mixed with the Times Square New Years Eve Ball and my passion gushed like an open Bronx hydrant on a blistering day. I began taking action—massive action— in making this dream a reality. What I didn’t foresee was how much work this project will take, how much energy it’s bound to sap, and the laziness wildcard.

To begin with, I wrote a business plan. It’s comprehensive, and it’s put me in a much better position to go forward with how the City Of Danger business will be built and run. Yes, a business. A money-making business selling products in the entertainment industry. This is an entirely new, stand-alone venture that’s outside of DyingWords and my other commercial publication works.

I began with the end in mind. I had artwork produced showing the two main characters against the backdrop of a dark cityscape. I began a dedicated website for City Of Danger that’s a work-in-progress and always will be. And I renovated my writing studio with part of it recreating a 1920s private detective office.

All this was about getting in the zone—the headspace—so I could think like the characters think, talk with the characters, and let the characters tell me their hardboiled stories so I can write them out. Call it method writing, if you will. Or, you can call it plain escapism fun.

The hard work started immediately when I committed—in writing—to creating City Of Danger and making it a success. I realized I knew almost nothing of the hardboiled genre. Why were the greats like Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Mickey Spillane, and Elmore Leonard so great? I went back to school and studied them.

Along this past seven month’s journey, I questioned my ability to successfully pull off something so big that I knew so little about. I took a page from Tiger Wood’s playbook where he described his comeback to win the 2019 Masters. Woods completely took apart his game and rebuilt his swing, his putting, his chipping, his mental attitude, and he looked back at everything the historic Masters champions did to win a green jacket.

I did much the same—rebuilt. I rebuilt myself as a writer. I read a lot on writing craft. A lot on the business of writing. A lot on mental attitude. And a lot on who the writing masters of hardboiled detective fiction really were, as well as how their great stories were structurally built and emotionally told for massive audience reception.

I read about screenwriting, and I took screenwriting courses. I studied what hardboiled genre films, like Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon, made it big and what similar-themed TV shows were a success.

Success. There’s that word again. Success. I have my focus on success with City Of Danger, but there’s one huge obstacle to overcome daily. That’s my tendency to be a bit lazy at times and not do the work. The real work. The writing work that makes a dream like this a success.

Yes, I’m the first to admit. I have a bit of a lazy streak in me. You probably do, too. That’s okay, though, because we humans are naturally programmed to be lazy.


Footnote: The pilot episode of City Of Danger is set for release in June 2022. It’ll start as an ebook series, released one episode each month, with intentions to follow with print and audio versions. The netstreaming side is an entirely different venture—currently in the hush-hushed shadows. I’ll keep you posted. 😉


The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy never was, and never will be, nominated for Pulitzer or Nobel literature prizes. But you can’t argue with Fifty Shades’ incredible commercial success as ebook, print, audio, and film products. It’s been ten years since author EL James released this tale of tension between virginal Anastasia Steele and billionaire bad boy Christian Grey. The passing decade hasn’t stopped the intrigue surrounding the story series. That’s due to the one main reason why Fifty Shades is phenomenally popular with (some) women.

I admit something. I’ve never read the books or seen the films. And I’m not going to. I have absolutely no interest in getting involved in bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, or sadism and masochism (BDSM). The only things I’m ever going to tie up are my shoes, and I can get all the pain I need by accidentally pricking myself with the pin from a Remembrance Day poppy.

The reason I’m writing this is curiosity. I got curious about Fifty Shades’ phenomenal popularity when bumping into a fellow writer the other day. She asked what I was up to—my work-in-progress or WIP as it’s called in the accounting biz. I told her about my series-in-development, City Of Danger.

“Wow!” she said. “Cool concept. Who’s your target market?”

“Educated women, like you, looking for a thrill who’ll pay the bill,” I said.

She giggled. “You could have another Fifty Shades of Grey on your hands. Just add some sex. Kinky sex.” Then she winked and walked away.

She got me thinking. When I got home, I asked Rita (my wife), “Did you ever read Fifty Shades of Grey?”

Rita gave me the over-her-shoulder look. “No. I don’t want to read a badly-written piece of smut.”

“Do you know anyone who has?”

“Melissa read it.”

I smiled. “Melissa would. What’d she think?”

“She liked it.”


“She said it was pornography for women. Mommy porn.”

So down fifty grey rabbit holes I went, researching this popular (some) women’s phenomenon. Part was to unlock the secret of success—how I could cast its spell of marketing magic over the City Of Danger. Part was because I had a DyingWords blog post deadline looming, and I needed an interesting topic. Fifty Shades fulfilled both.

First stop was at Amazon to check some figures. Zon’s stats say the print and ebook versions sold over 150 million copies and that was as of October 2017. If EL James, whose real name is Erika Leonard, made two bucks profit per book (like I do) that put her in the 300-million club not counting film, audio, and translation rights. Not a bad return on a writing investment.

Amazon reviews and ratings count. Trust me. I have twenty products published on Amazon and a few 1-Stars to prove it. Fifty Shades of Grey, the first in the series, has 56,514 ratings/reviews for an average 4 out of 5 stars. 59% are 5. 11% are 4. 9% are 3. 7% are 2. 14% are 1. Amazon doesn’t allow Zero-Star ratings or I’d be able to tell you about mine.

My experience with reviews and written ratings is there’s a love/hate relationship between the reader and the writer. If readers go, “Meh… it was okay…” they rarely bother to mark up a score. The lovers will gush out a praise and carry on reading your other books, while the haters will bitch-slap you and leave.

Seeing as Fifty Shades, Volume One, has 59% of 56,514 people loving it, that’s 31,647 and a half people who didn’t think it was a badly-written piece of smut. I know from my Amazon stats that maybe one in a thousand downloaders leave a rating and far less leave a written review. Takeaway here is Fifty Shades of Grey has something big going for it.

I had to have a look. I clicked Look Inside and read the opening. It starts with Anastasia looking in a mirror. Reflection like this—says every writing guru who ever gurued writing—is a bad way to hook a reader. I moved past this because, in my experience, writing gurus should be making money by writing intriguing books rather than guruing others on how to write indigesting books.

My next impression was that 50SOG (as the interwebbers call it) is in first-person, present-tense. It’s not my style but, then, I’m a Frederick Forsyth fan, not a Fan Fiction fan. Moving on. Dialogue? Passable. Characterization? Anastasia developed right away as a main character. Plot? I could see this was heading somewhere that might be interesting. Editing? Impeccable.

There were a lot of written reviews, so I skimmed the best and the worst:

5-Star: So why give a terrible book five stars? I teach a human sexuality course at a college, and this book is an EXCELLENT example of poor communication, disrespect between romantic partners, and toxicity in a relationship. It also demonstrates some of the false beliefs about S&M that society holds. Honestly, it reads like the author has never been in a healthy S&M relationship. Safe-word much? These are great examples for my students, and we mock the book openly in class.

1-Star: No, just no. When I downloaded this series to my kindle before leaving on a long European adventure, I was reminded of the old saying “if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you?” I like sex. And god help me, I liked Twilight. Mostly I loved Wuthering Heights, the book that inspired Twilight and then, this. But, Christian Grey is too young and one dimensional to be that twisted. Even to be a billionaire—it would help if she actually interviewed one. Anastasia is a simpleton, through and through. One thing the book gets right—these two really belong together. I tried to turn off my intellectual understanding and proceeded to take it at just porn-level—but even the love scenes failed to titillate. I only weep for all the trees that were destroyed due to this book.

5-Star: My preferred reading is non-fiction – biographies, history, then if I must – novels based on history. I don’t read romance novels nor watch porn. 23% into this book on my Kindle I was ready to terminate reading it but the author slips a joke in at that point and I got hooked. I’ve read books #2 and #3 a couple of times. I’ve read 50 SHADES a dozen times (and currently); for me the book is like cocaine to an addict. It’s very enjoyable. I think everyone from 17 up should read the book and could have a much more satisfying life through their sex life. I also think that some Lit student(s)/journalist should do a study of hospital emergency rooms inquiring into what might be book related incidents since 2012 when the book came out. Bottom line – enjoy cautiously.

1-Star: I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about and bought this a while back. Started reading it and was not impressed. Mommy porn, for sure. Not at all well written. Ridiculous premise. If this guy lived in a trailer in the woods, no woman would go near him. But because he’s a wealthy man, somehow he’s considered mysterious and sexy. It’s shocking and disturbing that’s such deviance is considered entertaining especially since it essentially deals with sexual slavery.

I left the Amazon page without One-Clicking. My curiosity was satisfied that it was a professionally produced product and the terms “badly-written” and “smut” are entirely subjective, although I highly respect Rita’s taste and judgement. After all, she married me thirty-eight years ago and made it work for both of us.

I jumped to Google. Tap. Tap. Tap. Why… fifty… shades… grey… phenomenally… popular… women. The SERPs served me well—problem was there was so much stuff to wade through and find out the main reason why Fifty Shades was so phenomenally popular with (some) women.

I first focused on the series history and its publishing progression along with marketing management. What I read was a one-in-a-longshot. Sometimes the stars align with a big dose of dumb luck. If they didn’t, as in this case, Fifty Shades would have long been run through the Amazon crusher.

50SOG started as Fan Fiction. I’ve never read anything from this genre and wasn’t exactly clear on what it was. Wikipedia, the Queen of Hyperlinks and who has never let me down, says this:

Fan fiction or fanfiction (also abbreviated to fan fic, fanfic, fic or ff) is fictional writing written in an amateur capacity as fans, unauthorized by, but based on an existing work of fiction. The author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from the original creator(s) as a basis for their writing. Fan fiction ranges from a couple of sentences to an entire novel, and fans can both keep the creator’s characters and settings and/or add their own. It is a form of fan labor. Fan fiction can be based on any fictional (and sometimes non-fictional) subject. Common bases for fan fiction include novels, movies, musical groups, cartoons, anime, manga, and video games.

Fair enough. Before Erika Leonard was EL James, she wrote fan fiction under the penname Snowqueen’s Icedragon and posted her episodic first run of 50SOG on fanfic websites under the title Master of the Universe. The series took on a huge following of cult-like loyalists.

I need to stop for a sec and say something about Erika Leonard. This was not this woman’s first trip to town. She was already in her forties and worked as a film producer by day and a sharp marketer by night. She knew exactly was she was doing by building a fan base—a repeat audience who would keep on buying her episodes and recommend them to others over the internet. It’s now called “word-of-mouse” rather than “word-of-mouth”.

To quote EL James (Erika Leonard) in an interview where she spoke of her shock at the success of the books, “The explosion of interest has taken me completely by surprise,” she said. James had described the Fifty Shades trilogy as, “My midlife crisis, written large. All my fantasies are in there, and that’s it.”

Ms. James/Leonard drafted the 50SOG trilogy on a classic and a current pop-culture phenomenon. She used Beauty and the Beast along with Twilight and replaced damsels and uglies and vampires and werewolves with a straight-laced virgin and a rich guy with some serious sexual issues. Voila! FanFic fans loved it, and the series went viral in internet circles, being read on subscription web pages.

The mainstream was watching. Traditional Publishing is always looking at who’s making money by setting a trend. The first to pick up on 50SOG was a small Australian publisher who bought the rights and put the series out as ebooks. The publisher, Writer’s Coffee Shop, had limited marketing funds and relied on book bloggers to boost sales through word-of-mouse.

E-sales grew and Writer’s Coffee Shop released paperbacks that sold like iced drinks on a blazing day. Part of the success was marketing brilliance from Ms. James/Leonard. She designed her own covers and was adamant that her then-current publisher (and future publisher at Random House) stay away from the cheesy romance tropes of a ripped hunk clutching a hot chick.

If you note Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, and Fifty Shades Freed, you’ll see monotones with a tie, a mask, and a pair of handcuffs. The covers are quite discreet and tasteful. That’s in my opinion, anyway. They allow women of status to comfortably read the books on the tube and not feel some sort of public shame.

Fifty Shades grew astoundingly fast. From May 2011 when it was published by Writer’s Coffee House to March 2012 when Random House acquired the rights, the start of the series broke the million-seller mark. Big hitters like The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, The Wall Street Journal, NBC’s Today, and ABC’s Good Morning America gave it coverage. 50SOG even graced the covers of Time and Newsweek.

All press is good press, right? It certainly was in Ms. James/Leonard’s case, and it wasn’t long before she was fabulously paid by the film industry. Ten years out, she’s a wealthy, wealthy lady.

So that’s the story of how the Fifty Shades trilogy became famous. But that doesn’t answer the question of why it was phenomenally popular with (some) women. If you rabbit-hole the interwebs, like I just did, you’ll find every self-appointed expert offering their psychological opinion.

You’ll find psycho-analysis of erotic fantasies being primly inbred into human females where they might get physically penetrated by males but do the opposite mentally. You’ll find suggestions that 50SOG lets the bored housewife, who’s on the verge of divorce, sneak away into an imaginary world where she can be just a little naughty without getting hurt… or caught. You’ll find the words “curiosity”, “experimental”, “liberating”, “limit-pushing”, “exciting”, “taboo”, “exotic”, “erotic”, “escape”, “submissive-underneath”, “dominance-on top”, and “delightful wish fulfillment”.

You’ll find the viewpoint that people—(some) women, of course—can’t stop talking about 50SOG, and that it’s presented in a socially-acceptable manner as somewhat of a scholarly study of sexuality. Then, there are the critics who describe the series as beyond banal, actually dreadful. But one thing in common, few wanted to be the last one to read Fifty Shades of Grey.

My conclusion of why Fifty Shades of Grey was phenomenally popular with (some) women? I think Melissa got it right. Fifty Shades is pornography for women. It’s Mommy porn, and I don’t judge those who read it.


“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve with a planned definite purpose and a positive mental attitude.” This statement is true. I attest to this, and you can take it to the bank. It’s the core of Napoleon Hill’s Science of Personal Achievement set out in seventeen principles nailed within his timeless book Think And Grow Rich. The only specters stopping you from achieving your biggest dreams and your deepest desires are the six ghosts of fear.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt famously said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” As wise as President Roosevelt was, he failed to qualify his statement. FDR never said six ghosts are manifesting in different ways to create fear in your mind. Napoleon Hill did. Napoleon Hill also said these six ghosts are caused by indecision and doubt, blending in your subconscious to become fear.

Ghosts exist only in your mind. They’re not real entities. They have no physical presence. But, if you give ghosts merit and lodge them in your mind, then they might as well be real. The same goes with the top six things people—like you—mentally fear.

Before I list the six ghosts of fear and drill down as to why they psychologically exist to haunt your personal achievement, let me tell you a story about how I got hooked on Napoleon Hill’s success philosophy, busted the six ghosts, and what led to today’s Dyingwords post.



“Yeah. Amway.”

I hear your gasp and I feel your shudder. I taste your bile and I can see your wide-open eyes. I can even smell gas passing from the shock that anything good comes from Amway.

“Amway is a cult!” you say. “Garry Rodgers can’t possibly be in a cult! A multi-level marketing scam! A pyramid scheme! The terror! The horrifying fear! Say it’s not so!”

Okay. Relax. Breathe easy. Thirty years ago some friends got involved in Amway. With interest, Rita (my wife) and I watched them change from mediocre, basic-get-by folks to this highly-energized and enthusiastic pair of newly-made entrepreneurs. It wasn’t long before they “showed us the plan”.

I was skeptical, like most cops are skeptics of anything perceived to be sneaky. Problem was… my friend showing Rita and I the plan was also a cop—a cop I respected and I knew was no kook. They must be onto something, I thought.

Rita and I initially signed up as customers—not as distributors, or business owners as Amway terms its distribution line people—certainly not before we thoroughly checked this thing out. We went to a few town hall Amway meetings and one large convention in Portland. I had never seen a group of people so pumped about selling soap. It was enlightening.

“How does this happen?” I asked my Amway-distributing police pal. “How do so many people get so supercharged by this soap-selling business?”

“Mindset,” he said. “It’s all about mindset and belief. That and they’ve made a decision to build their Amway business, have no doubt that it works, and they’ve exorcised the six ghosts of fear that prevent people from achieving their dreams.”

“The six ghosts of fear?”

“Yeah. The six ghosts of fear.” That’s when my law enforcement colleague and Amway recruiter handed me a copy of Think And Grow Rich. “Read this,” he said. “Then we’ll talk.”

I read Think And Grow Rich. I’ve read its sequel, The Master Key To Riches, and I’ve read pretty much everything ever published by Napoleon Hill and the Napoleon Hill Foundation. I’ve watched Napoleon Hill’s grainy old videos, and I’ve listened to original cassette recordings of the old man professing his seventeen principles that form the basis of all success—regardless where you find “success” or how you define it.

Soon, Rita and I signed as distributors, but we never did anything with our Amway business, although I still believe there is enormous potential for the few who do Amway right. Life got in the way to spend the time required to build a distributor chain—life being a very busy detective job and the priority of raising two little kids on a cop’s salary with a stay-at-home mom. Our friends did climb the Amway ladder and, from them, we continued to buy the best soap and consumable products available on this planet.

Slowly, we parted ways with Amway’s outer world. I was never comfortable with Amway as an organization. The products were great, but the Amway delivery system sucked and their recruitment model was less than open. Deep down, I had a fear of this thing—especially the fear of criticism or what “they” would think or say. My fear of criticism was greater than my fear of poverty which is what Amway’s business model promised to fix—building astounding wealth… if you worked their plan properly.

But what Amway did was change my inner world. I got hooked on Napoleon Hill’s science of personal achievement philosophy. Without any shred of a doubt, my mindset changed when exposed to Think And Grow Rich. It’s responsible for what I’ve become and for what I’m up to today.

That’s creating the new netstream video, audio, print, and ebook series of hardboiled detective fiction titled City Of Danger. I’m treating this project as a new business venture outside of my regular writing and publishing work. Right now, I’m finishing a business plan for the City Of Danger series based on Napoleon Hill’s seventeen principles that have proven so successful—time and time and time again.

Part of my business plan formulation was reading a recently released book titled Think and Grow Through Art and Music. It’s released by the Napoleon Hill Foundation and aimed at motivating artists like writers and musicians. I’ve read it with my red pen and yellow highlighter. When I came to the final chapter titled The Six Ghosts Of Fear, I realized that, long ago, I’d destroyed those demons. Being ghost-free gives me the courage and confidence to tackle a massive project like City Of Danger.

So what are the six ghosts of fear? Let’s let Napoleon Hill introduce you.

“Before you can put any portion of my seventeen principles into successful use, your mind must be prepared to receive it. The preparation is not difficult. It begins with study, analysis, and understanding of three enemies you have to clear out. These are indecision, doubt, and fear. Members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand.

Indecision is the seedling of fear. Indecision crystallizes into doubt, the two blend and become fear. The blending process often is slow and makes the three enemies so dangerous because they germinate and grow without their presence being observed.

There are six main categories of fear. All six reside in the mind, and none have any more reality than a ghost. These six ghosts of fear, on their own or in some combination with each other, are non-realities every person suffers with at some time. Most people are fortunate if they do not suffer from the entire six.”


Fears are nothing more than states of mind. One’s mind state is subject to control and direction combined with one’s mental attitude and definite purpose. Here are the six ghosts of fear in order of their most common appearance.

The Fear of Poverty

Poverty bites. I relate to a quote from Vancouver billionaire Jimmy Pattison who said, “I’ve been rich. I’ve been poor. Rich is better.”

I think there are two people types. There are those with success consciousness and those with poverty consciousness. This consciousness resides in the mind and is influenced by three things:

  1. Who you associate with
  2. Your mind input
  3. The decisions you make

Poverty is the most destructive ghost and the most difficult fear to master. It’s amplified by indifference, indecision, doubt, worry, over-caution, procrastination, and plain laziness. Poverty is overcome by living within means, applying a definite purpose, having confidence, doing the hard work, associating with the right people, adopting a positive mental attitude, and making sensible decisions.

Poverty is the opposite of riches. It’s more than having money or having no money. Poverty and riches extend beyond financial means. They include your physical health, your mental state, and your spiritual well-being.

The Fear of Criticism

What “they” say or think. I was fearful of what they would think and say about my, and Rita’s, brush with Amway. This was all in my head. I never had one person say to me or anyone else (that I know of) that I was getting sucked into a cult.

Who are “they”? They are entirely imaginary beings—just like ghosts—but they’re surprisingly powerful. They stupefy enthusiasm. They cut down personal initiative. They destroy your imagination. And they make it practically impossible to achieve anything beyond mediocrity.

While poverty is the most entrapping ghost, the fear of criticism is the most common ghost that holds you back—the fear of how other people might judge your work, your creativity, and your ideas of how to wildly succeed as an entrepreneurial business person.

The criticism ghost browbeats you. It inseminates a lack of poise, undermines self-consciousness, quashes personalities, instills inferiority complexes, and dives home a void of ambition and initiative.

The Fear of Ill-Health

Disease. “Dis-Ease”. It’s the pill Big Pharma wants us to swallow, and those companies know people are motivated to buy their snake oil products because of health-fear motivation. Sickness is a multi-trillion dollar industry.

Many illnesses are not real. They’re figments of people’s imaginations—just like ghosts. But the fear of disease and the many imagined maladies that infect human minds can manifest as realistic, symptomatic presentations in their bodies. People think themselves into illness and when the symptoms illusionary appear, they’re convinced. And the circle continues.

I read a quote from entertainer Naomi Judd. She said, “Your body hears everything your mind says.” She’s right. Autosuggestion works both ways, and you can talk yourself out of ill health fear or what’s called hypochondria.

I respect people who meditate and do yoga. I also respect people who eat right, exercise, and get proper sleep. And I respect people who put their mind into a positive state where they don’t fear poverty or care about what “they” say.

The Fear of Loss of Love

This is the painful ghost. This specter is so excruciatingly cruel. It can cause it’s possessed one to take their own life. This ghost prevails misery and devastation and soulful destruction.

Jealousy doesn’t require a reason. It’s the most unreasonable emotion and sets up irrational fears where it’s a devastating ghost—devastating where there is, or is not, any basis. Real or unreal, the fear of loss of love is awful.

I experienced the loss of love a long time ago. I now call her “She Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned”. Losing her was the best thing that ever happened in my life because I wouldn’t have met Rita if I hadn’t lost her. Finding Rita was even better than discovering Napoleon Hill and smashing the six ghosts of fear.

They say if you have to convince someone to stay with you, then they’ve already left. In this case, I have to agree with they. Security in a relationship is a treasure without an appraised value, and I treasure my relationship with Rita above my own life. I don’t fear it. I love it.

The Fear of Old Age

Your fear of being alone in old age, or being debilitated through wear-out, is understandable. It’s especially understandable if you’ve lived a life filled with the fear of poverty, the fear of criticism, the fear of ill health, and the fear of the loss of love. The combination of these four ghosts—these non-real ghosts—are life-threatening.

Napoleon Hill said, “I don’t know why men and women should be so afraid that they’re gonna dry up and blow away when they get to that ripe old age of forty to fifty. The real achievements of the world were the results of men and women who had gone beyond sixty. The greatest achievement age is between sixty-five and seventy, so I don’t know why anyone should be afraid of old age. Yet they are.”

Fearing old age is a ghost. There is no reasonable reason to buy into this BS. Sure, as we age we slow down physically but we’re completely capable of being mentally active as long as we don’t allow the fear ghosts of poverty, criticism, ill-health, and love loss to cripple our mindset.

I turned sixty-five this year. I drank the Napoleon Hill Kool-Aid in my thirties, and it was the best thirst quencher ever. I’m just getting started in life, although it took me this long to get my act together.

The Fear of Death

“It’s the rarest thing in the world to find a person who hasn’t, at one time or another, been afraid of death.”  ~Napoleon Hill

“Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. They can only be changed from one form of reality to another.”  ~Albert Einstein

In my experience in the death business, I’ve been asked a lot of questions, done a lot of research, and soul searched. I believe there is a soul beyond physical matter and energetic action, and I believe it’s a non-physical combination of Infinite Intelligence, or The Creator, employing two functions called consciousness and entropy. But, that’s for another post.

I don’t fear becoming a ghost after death. I look at it like this. I was somewhere before I was born into consciousness as a lump of matter, and I’m living an energetic life constantly being broken down by entropy. When this consciousness I now have finally extinguishes—because entropy’s universal change ultimately conquers a rigid combination of matter and energy—I’ll go back to where I was before I was born, and I’m not afraid.

There are no specters. No illusions. There is only you.

Only in your mind live The Six Ghosts Of Fear.

Conquer them.