For the past three years, our world suffered through a crisis with colossal confusion as the Covid-19 pandemic ground us down. Seven million people died from coronavirus complications. Countless fell ill from the bug, including me. We struggled to understand what the culprit was. We searched for ways to make it stop. Now, that’s done and we need to know how the pandemic happened. That leads to ask, “Did the Covid-19 virus really leak from a Chinese lab?”

There’s no question the Covid-19 virus—Coronavirus formally known as SARS-CoV-2—originated in the city of Wuhan, China. That’s beyond doubt. What’s unknown is where in Wuhan it started. One theory is the virus transferred to a human from an animal (specifically a bat) at the Wuhan Wet Seafood Wholesale Public Market. The other suspicion is the virus accidentally escaped during a Gain-of-Function Research (GoFR) project at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the facts are covered up by the Chinese Government along with complicit knowledge by top-tier health officials in the United States of America.

Does this sound like a far-fetched bat story or some crazy Covid conspiracy theory? Maybe and maybe not. Let’s take a look at what we can find of the case facts. Then make a cautious, yet credible, conclusion.

When Covid arose, I wrote two blog posts trying to make sense of this thing. One was understanding the viral mechanism and how to guard yourself from transmission. It’s titled Just How Deadly is Novel Coronavirus and Covid-19. The other, titled Why it Takes so Long to Make a Coronavirus Vaccine, was understanding how a Covid vaccine was made and the risks associated with injecting it. Looking back, both articles have somewhat stood the test of time. However, one thing hasn’t, and that’s my original buy-in to the bat-at-the-marketplace hypothesis.

I’m not going to review the pathogen nor the vaccine in this piece. I’m not going to debate the mask and lockdown mandates, not the social distancing, the hand washing, nor the surface wiping—never mind the punitive measures and ostracization for non-compliance to public health orders, nor the public paranoia of the disease. I’m not going to argue for or against the jab. And I’m certainly not going to weigh the immense social costs including a rotting mistrust of politicians, bureaucrats and their institutions, financial devastation, and mainstream/legacy media’s failure to be impartial, not to mention the developmental setback in children and the inhumane isolation of the elderly. I’m just going for the truth of where the Covid-19 virus originated, although that may never be conclusive.

A fundamental question: Why does the truth matter—the truth of where the Covid-19 virus came from? Here’s an opening statement by Chairman Brad Wenstrup from the March 08, 2023, United States Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: We emphasize how knowing the origin of the virus is essential to helping predict and prevent future pandemics, protecting national security, and preparing for the future. We pledge to thoroughly, responsibly, and honestly investigate the origin of Covid-19.

Witness Dr. Jamie Metzl, Ph.D., said, “If we do not get to the bottom of what went wrong with the Covid-19 pandemic, if we fail in our efforts to fearfully understand all shortcomings and shore up the vulnerabilities this crisis has so clearly exposed, the victims of the next pandemic, our children and grandchildren, will ask us why we failed to protect when we knew what was at stake and had the chance.”

This said, it’s a must to look at the two suspected outbreak locations.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology has two buildings. One is the Xiaohongshan campus, which is an older, biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) facility. The other is a BSL-4 campus called Zhengdian that was opened in 2018. Xiaohongshan is eight miles from the Wuhan market, and Zhengdian is 18 miles from the market.

The Wuhan Wet Seafood Wholesale Public Market is a busy and crowded place near the center of the city of 8.7 million people. Like its name implies, the market primarily sells fresh seafood kept alive in wet storage tanks. As value-added commerce, the market also offers other live creatures such as foul and mammals.

The first recorded Covid-19 cases occurred in a cluster of workers at the Wuhan Market in late November/early December of 2019. A tracking map clearly detected exposures spreading geographically from the market into the city in general. Officials quickly ordered a lockdown and the news spread to a watchful world.

So did the virus. By March 2020, the pandemic was international and all sorts of authorities—political, health, security, and private interests—scrambled (panicked might be the right word) to do, or be seen doing, something to curtail this biological forest fire. We all know how that played out.

Placing blame wasn’t the height of priorities in the early Covid stages. The general consensus, or the official line, was the virus was organic in origin, or what’s termed a natural zoonosis, and bore the biological signature strikingly similar to a known coronavirus circulating in Chinese horseshoe bats. The obvious conclusion seemed to be that since the virus first appeared in people at the market and the virus was the same category as the SARS-CoV-2 bat virus well-known to transmit from animal to human, then—obviously—the origin came from an infected live bat held in captivity at the Wuhan Public Market.

Spoiler Alert. It’s now established there were no bats at the Wuhan Market. There was no market for bats at the market so there were no bats there. To quote the recent US Select Committee report: There is no evidence of bats at the market. There is no evidence whatsoever it was organic, animal caused. There is extraordinary evidence that this virus came from a lab.

So, let’s look at what was going on at a Chinese lab in Wuhan.

There’s quite a history of relations between the United States health research authorities and their Chinese counterparts. Politically, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under Xi Jinping has prioritized health research and medicinal development. Part of the push is to elevate China’s standing in worldview as an emergent capable of competing with first-world countries. To achieve this, China has tapped into outside technologies and American finances to achieve one of the CCP’s highest goals—healthcare advancements.

Of the two research labs at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the newer one at Zhengdian is our suspect. Construction completed in 2015 but it wasn’t cleared to begin full research until 2018. There were rumors of speedy and shoddy construction. One of the top criticisms was the overuse of stainless steel which is particularly vulnerable to the corrosive disinfectants required to clean viral labs. This can lead to catastrophic system failures such as rupturing the sealed ventilation systems used in a clean environment.

I found a Vanity Fair article dated October 28, 2022, that drills deep into what outside authorities determined as “suspicious activity” occurring at the Zhengdian lab starting as early as September, 2019. Although many records at the lab have been buried, destroyed, or concealed, a dispatch by the CCP referred to a biosecurity breach at the Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory (Zhengdian). What followed was an official directive that seemed to come right from the party’s top (Xi Jinping) to make an immediate and urgent effort to contain a biological emergency. The order is called a pishi which is a Chinese government term for being extremely serious and used for the highest priority.

On November 17, 2019, the internal Chinese government data reported the first confirmed Covid-19 case with a Wuhan citizen. The viral genie was out of the bottle, and the CCP issued the official bat-narrative as Covid-19 originating at the Wuhan Wet Seafood Public Market. It was a convenient narrative, and it was adopted by a senior virologist in the United States and White House Adviser to the President—Dr. Anthony Fauci.

So, we’re making a case that the Covid-19 virus didn’t start with a marketplace bat. We’re making a case that some sort of panic situation was going on at the Zhengdian lab. And we’re making a case that the Covid-19 viral signature was very bat-like and could well have transferred animal-to-human.

But a bat at the lab? Well, it turns out the Zhengdian laboratory was the world leader in studying bat coronaviruses which are highly contagious to humans. Enter Dr. Shi Zhengli, aka China’s Batwoman, who heads the bat virus program. She is probably the world’s foremost virologist on bat-to-human transmissions and her program is/was funded by a US-based umbrella called the EcoHealth Alliance. Drilling deep, the follow-the-money trail shows the EcoHealth Alliance is a subsidy arm of the US National Institute of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) which was overseen by Dr. Tony Fauci.

If you recall in the second paragraph, I used the term “Gain-of-Function Research” or GoFR. This is a highly controversial pathogen amplification procedure that requires a post of its own. GoFR genetically alters an organism to enhance the gene’s biological functions. It’s seen by critics as playing with genetic fire—bordering on biological warfare—and was banned by the Obama administration for being too dangerous and unethical to be undertaken by Americans.

It’s no secret that Dr. Fauci is tied to GoFR. In 2011, Fauci endorsed a gain-of-function research project where colleagues manipulated the avian flu virus A/H5N and made it transmittable through air. When word got about this GoFR, most scientists were outraged, and here’s why. It’s the potential for accidental escape. H5N1 is deadlier than smallpox—it’s extremely lethal to humans. But, by nature H5N1 isn’t easily caught through airborne transmission. Nearly all known cases are among those who had direct contact with birds or bird products.

However, the Fauci-endorsed experiment took the premise that nature could mutate the virus so it could go airborne (like Covid-19) and the best action was to invent the pathogen so a vaccine could be planned if the worst nature case occurred. At the end of the 2011 research, Fauci co-authored an opinion with Dr. Francis Collins, then head of NIH, justifying the project as “a risk worth taking”.

Am I implying that Fauci was complicate in a rogue experiment that created the Covid-19 virus in a lab and then released it on the public? First, almost everyone from amateurs like me to the highest-level professionals do not believe that Covid-19 was purposely let loose on the world to intentionally cause a pandemic. That is just stupid.

No. It’s far more likely a Gain-of-Function research project was underway in the Zhengdian lab where the scientists were genetically manipulating a bat-based coronavirus and it got away on them through a ventilation system malfunction. However, US health authorities were probably aware of work that couldn’t be done under the American flag and wholeheartedly supported it.

Something worth noting is that when the Gain-of-Function Research term became untasteful, the viral study industry rebranded it as enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogen research (ePPP). This way, GoFR was no more—the program whose name shall not be mentioned was over. Check out this exchange between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci in a congressional hearing on May 11, 2021.

—   —   —

Sen. Paul: “The US has been collaborating with Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology Institute, sharing discoveries about how to create super viruses. This gain-of-function research has been funded by the NIH.”

Dr. Fauci: “With all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect. The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Sen. Paul: “This ePPP. So what you’re doing is defining away gain-of-function. You’re saying it doesn’t exist because you’ve changed the definition on the NIH website. What you’ve done is changed the definition on your website to try to cover your ass.”

—   —   —

Very well, the term for bat virus studies conducted by Dr. Shi Zhengli at Wuhan Virology Institute is/was called enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research and it is/was funded by the EcoHealth Alliance that is/was funded by the NIH and/or the NIAID. It’s just a play-on-words to mask a monstrous mistake. That’s that a high-level representative of the US government was breaching a presidential order and lying about it.

At this stage, blame won’t accomplish anything in the post-Covid-19 story. The fallout should be to clearly understand how this pandemic started—what the root cause was—and how to make sure it never happens again. Prevention being better than cure.

If I can analyze the case facts, as best as can be currently known, this is what I believe happened. And this is only my opinion put forth on a blog post.

I believe the NIH and/or the NIAID agencies provided funding for EcoHealth Alliance to run an American-assisted, gain-of-function research project at the Zhengdian laboratory. The science team artificially built the Covid-19 virus from bat harvestings, and the thing accidentally snuck out on them.

From what I’ve read (and this comes from what appears to be credible information in documents like the recent report by the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic), there was a faulty ventilation system caused by corroded stainless steel components compromised through incompatible disinfecting chemicals. The virus escaped through a hole, went airborne, multiplied, and infected most of the world.

To back-up my belief, here are highlights from the committee report.

COVID Origins Hearing Wrap Up: Facts, Science, Evidence Point to a Wuhan Lab Leak

WASHINGTON— 08 Mar 2023

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a hearing on “Investigating the Origins of COVID-19” to gather facts about the origination of the virus that has claimed nearly seven million lives globally. At the hearing, several of the witnesses pointed to how the science, facts, and evidence point to a lab leak in Wuhan.

Key Hearing Takeaways

Knowing the origin of COVID-19 is fundamental to helping predict and prevent future pandemics.

Select Subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup opened the hearing by emphasizing how knowing the origin of the virus is essential to helping predict and prevent future pandemics, protecting health and national security, and preparing the United States for the future. He pledged that the Select Subcommittee will thoroughly, responsibly, and honestly investigate the origin of COVID-19.

Dr. Jamie Metzl, Ph.D., senior fellow at the Atlantic Council said in an opening statement, “If we do not get to the bottom of what went wrong with the COVID-19 pandemic, if we fail in our efforts to fearlessly understand all shortcomings and shore up the vulnerabilities this crisis has so clearly exposed, the victims of the next pandemic, our children and grandchildren, will ask us why we failed to protect when we knew what was at stake and had the chance.”

Mounting evidence continues to show that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), testified how science indicates COVID-19 infections were likely the result of an accidental lab leak in Wuhan. His conclusion is based on the biology of the virus itself and unusual actions in and around Wuhan in 2019, including gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Nicholas Wade—the former science and health editor at the New York Times, and former editor of Science and Nature—testified how Drs. Fauci and Collins used unverified data to dismiss the lab leak theory in favor of natural transmission.

Jamie Metzl testified how China’s government destroyed samples, hid records, imprisoned Chinese journalists, prevented Chinese scientists from saying or writing anything on pandemic origins without prior government approval, actively spread misinformation, and prevented an evidence-based investigation.

The mainstream media downplayed—and even denied—the scientific theory that COVID-19 emerged from the WIV.

Nicholas Wade testified about the campaign to discredit the lab leak theory. He pointed out that scientists kept in line with the natural origin camp led by Drs. Fauci and Collins because of their dependence on government grants and that the media failed to challenge the forced narrative.

All witnesses agreed that the possibility of COVID-19 originating from a lab is not a conspiracy theory.

Member Highlights

Subcommittee Chairman Dr. Wenstrup (R-Ohio.) asked witnesses whether it is critical to investigate the origin of COVID-19. All witnesses answered yes. Chairman Wenstrup also raised concern about gain-of-function research, which Dr. Redfield defined during the hearing as altering a pathogen to increase either transmissibility or pathogenicity.

Subcommittee Chairman Wenstrup: “In your expert opinion was the Wuhan Institute conducting gain-of-function research on a batch of coronaviruses?”

Dr. Redfield: “Absolutely.”

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) noted that after raising concerns to experts and the World Health Organization that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, and urging Dr. Fauci to investigate the origins of the pandemic, Dr. Redfield was excluded from calls related to the origins of the pandemic.

Rep. Malliotakis: “Why do you think you were excluded from those calls?”

Dr. Redfield: “It was told to me that they wanted a single narrative and that I obviously had a different point of view.”

Dr. Redfield added: “If you really want to be truthful, it’s antithetical to science. Science has debate, and they squashed any debate.”

Scientists, including Dr. Fauci, then drafted a paper arguing COVID-19’s proximal origins to animals at a wet market.

Rep. Malliotakis: “Do you think that this paper does hide the truth?”

Dr. Redfield: “I think it’s an inaccurate paper that basically was part of a narrative that they were creating.”

Rep. Malliotakis also warned that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) may have been funding gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the WIV.

Rep. Malliotakis: “Is it likely that American tax dollars funded the gain-of-function research that created this virus?”

Dr. Redfield: I think it did, not only from NIH, but from the State Department, USAID and DOD.”

Rep. Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa), who has expertise publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals, asked why the scientific community dangerously suppressed evidence that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab.

“There is, as you said Dr. Metzl, extraordinary circumstantial evidence that this came from a lab. 

“I don’t know why the authors didn’t want to state this, they did not want to have the scientific conversation and dialogue, why they wanted to obfuscate and suppress the truth, or even have a debate about the origins of COVID-19.

“Was it for personal financial gain? Was it to hide U.S. financial interest into the Wuhan Institute of Virology indirectly? Was it to suppress the revelation that there was perhaps gain-of-function research that had been prohibited in the United States? Or were they concerned that a conspiracy would develop that it was bioterrorism?

“I would state that their suppression and obfuscation has led to the exact mistrust and conspiracy theories that they may have tried to avoid.”

Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Colo.) and Dr. Redfield discussed unusual actions at the WIV in September 2019.

Rep. Lesko: “Do you believe we can have certainty that the virus did not come from the Wuhan lab and that U.S. funding was not used for coronavirus research?”

Dr. Redfield: “Absolutely we cannot do that. It’s now declassified now, but in September 2019, three things happened in that lab. One, they deleted the sequences. That is highly irregular—researchers don’t usually like to do that. Second, they commanded the command and control of the lab from civilian control to military control. Highly unusual. And the third thing they did, which I think is really telling, is they let a contractor re-do the ventilation system in that laboratory. There is strong evidence there was a significant event in that laboratory in September 2019.”

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) warned that the media downplayed, discredited, and silenced voices of experts sounding the alarm that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Chairman Comer: “Would you agree that the scientific establishment used the media to downplay the lab leak theory?”

Mr. Wade: “I think the media was used in this particular campaign to establish the natural origin theory.

“The scientific community is very afraid to speak up on political issues. I think the reason is that government grants are handed out through the system of peer-reviewed committees. You don’t want any single scientist on your peer-review committee to vote against, because you won’t get your grant – it’s so competitive. Therefore, scientists are very reluctant to say anything that’s politically divisive or turn other scientists off against them. This means that they cannot be relied upon in the way that we would like them to be independent and forthright and call it as they see it.”

Comer: “Was there science available to make such an unequivocal statement against the possibility of a lab leak that early on in February of 2020?”

Witnesses Dr. Metzl, Mr. Wade, and Dr. Redfield all answered, “No.”

Comer: “Is the possibility COVID-19 leaked from a lab a conspiracy theory?”

Witnesses answered, “No.”

One source I relied on for this post was a Free Press (via @BariWeiss) article written by David Zweig titled Is Gain-of-Function Research a ‘Risk Worth Taking’? Or ‘Insanity’? In it, Mr. Zweig (who has impeccable journalistic credentials) takes a hard look at gain-of-function, er/ah enhanced potential pandemic pathogens. Here are two of the comments:

I have worked with the federal government for 20 yrs. Spent a year at the CDC. Spent 3 yrs overseeing a team of Nobel prize winning academics.

  1. Academics care about publishing and scoring points on their peers. Its opens financial doors. It opens doors to awards and accolades, many of which come with a lot of money. It gives them status among their peers. They can be, and often are, single minded and fail to consider the externalities or the ethics of what they are doing they only care about what is possible, not what SHOULD be done.
  2. Never ever trust a government bureaucrat. They are like academics with tenure. They are constantly trying to justify their existence and protect their positions. They will do everything from hiding information to intentionally misleading watchdogs, congress or the media, to protect themselves or gain budgets and they very often have an eye toward what they will do in the private sector once their pension is set. They will work to please politicians and whichever industry is associated with what they oversee.

I spent ten years as the chief of safety for the International Space Station, so I did a lot of risk analysis. Typically, when evaluating risk one begins by looking at likelihood vs. severity. In the case of a GOFROC/ePPP, the likelihood is obviously not as low as one would like (witness the litany of lab leaks) and the severity is off-scale high, beyond catastrophic. I would call this an apocalyptic hazard. SARS Covid-2 killed something like 7 million souls, with inestimable economic damage. This is a risk level that would be unacceptable in any other conceivable government or commercial application. The only possible way that such a risk could even be considered would be if the benefits to be gained were monumentally rewarding, which it would appear they are not.

Then there is the threat of human error. Systems can be designed to provide extremely high levels of fault tolerance, although only if they are used properly. But people make mistakes. It’s inevitable. They are the most error prone parts of almost any system. No matter your training, no matter your dedication, no matter your focus, you will eventually make a mistake. The job will become routine. The risk mitigation procedures will become onerous. The desire to circumvent established protocols will creep in. And mistakes will happen.

Were I king for a day I would outlaw this research with the direction to find a way to do it only via computer simulation. Even this fails to eliminate the threat of bioterrorism, but at least it would eliminate the possibility of a physical leak. And I certainly wouldn’t pay to have it done in a lab run by a government infamous for secrecy and deception.

Breaking News 10March2023


On February 19, 2013, Elisa Lam was found dead inside a 1,000-gallon water cistern on top of the notorious Cecil Hotel in the Skid Row District of downtown Los Angeles. Elisa, age 21, was reported missing 19 days earlier and was last seen in an elevator in the 14-story, 700-room hotel where she’d been staying. The L.A. Coroner ruled Elisa’s death an accident compounded by bizarre behavior caused by her previously diagnosed bipolar disorder. Her ghastly death was one more in a long series of outrageous events at The Cecil. As an LAPD officer put it, “The place is haunted. Tell me in which room a death hasn’t occurred.”

Elisa Lam’s bizarre death circumstances caught worldwide attention. Over the years, it’s developed an internet cult where outlandish theories are tossed about like a ghoulish parlor game. Some speculate on a paranormal event. Some speculate Elisa was part of a black-web Asian practice called the elevator game. There’s been so much macabre interest in the “Dead Lady in the Hotel Water Tank” case that in 2021 Netflix produced a 4-part series on it titled Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.

There are two distinct stories in the Elisa Lam death case, and they merge in the end. One is the truly terrifying, final moments of Elisa’s death. The other is the horrible history of the hotel that housed at least two serial killers including the Night Stalker himself, Richard Ramirez. Let’s start with examining Elisa’s case facts and then look at the craziness confined in a haunted hotel.

The Death Investigation

Elisa Lam was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Vancouver, Canada with her parents and sister. Elisa was a bright young lady and had been enrolled in the University of British Columbia. She ran several popular blogs and was a budding writer. However, Elisa suffered from depression and was clinically diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She was prescribed the usual medications—Lamotrigine, Quetiapine, Venlafaxine, and Bupropion (Wellbutrin). Although she’d been hospitalized for a psychotic event, Elisa had no background of suicidal tendencies.

In early January 2013, Elisa took a post-Christmas sabbatical from her studies. She traveled alone via Amtrak and busses to Southern California, first to San Diego and then arriving in Los Angeles on January 26. Why she picked the Cecil Hotel is not known. Probably because The Cecil had been rebranded as Stay on Main (address 640 S. Main Street) to clean up its image as the worst lodging in the worst region of L.A. Bottomline—as a designated hostel, the price was now right.

Elisa initially roomed with two other young women. This quickly ended because of her behavior—giving entry passwords to the others and locking them out as well as leaving strange notes on their beds. Hotel staff moved Elisa to a single room where she could be alone. Then there was an episode in late January at a film studio (taping of Conan O’Brien) where Elisa was removed by security for disruptive behavior.

Elisa was last seen in person on January 31 in the hotel lobby. She’d kept in daily touch with her parents and sister. When she failed to connect on February 2, Elisa’s folks filed a missing persons report with LAPD.

Investigators checked the hotel’s video file and were satisfied Eliza never left the building through the main doors or fire escapes. What they did find was footage from February 1 where Elisa was alone in an elevator. In the 2-minute reel, Elisa portrayed seriously disturbed behavior. The video was released to the public before Elisa’s body was found, and it went viral, being viewed 33 million times on YouTube.

Before reading on, you must watch the clip to appreciate Elisa’s mental state. A picture is worth a thousand words and a video is priceless.

On February 19, a hotel maintenance worker responded to guest complaints that their water smelled bad, was a funny color, and the pressure was low. He checked the hotel’s four cisterns that were roof mounted to accommodate gravity pressure. These cisterns were steel tanks measuring 8 feet high and 4 feet in diameter. Access was through a removable upper hatch that could easily be removed by one person.

The worker found the lid open on the northeast tank. He looked inside and saw Elisa’s bloated and decomposing body floating face up on the surface—the water level being approximately 2 feet down from the top or 6 feet from the bottom and no way that 5-foot, 6-inch Elisa could have stood on the tank floor with her head in the air.

The L.A. Fire Department drained the tank and cut it open as removing Elisa’s body through the upper portal was impossible. Elisa was naked and her saturated clothes lay loose on the tank floor along with her watch and her hotel room key card. Inside her room, the rest of her belongings remained including her money, identification, and medications.

Elisa was autopsied on February 21. Aside from a ¼ inch round abrasion on her left knee, there was no sign of physical trauma. Her cause of death was clear—drowning. “Both pleural cavities contain dark brown fluid; 300 cc on the right and 200 cc on the left.”

Her toxicology testing was not so clear. Her advancing state of decomposition—being dead approximately 21 days by autopsy time—left little blood in her heart or major arteries to examine. The toxicology report (considering blood, bile, and liver tissue) was conclusive that no normal street drugs were present in her system, i.e. cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and even THC. Traces of her prescriptions—Lamotrigine, Quetiapine, Venlafaxine, and Bupropion (Wellbutrin)—were identified but the quantity was not sufficient to make a proportional analysis.

It was the pill count in Elisa’s room that was telling. She’d had her prescriptions refilled in Vancouver on January 11, 2013, and what remained was a leading indicator as to what might have triggered a psychotic episode that led Elisa to willingly crawl inside a water tank.

Lamotrigine (anti-seizure meds)                60 issued       70 remaining

Quetiapine (bipolar/mood meds)              30 issued       20 remaining

Venlafaxine (anti-depression meds)         60 issued       64 remaining

Wellbutrin (anti-depression meds)            60 issued       57 remaining

The autopsy report’s conclusion is careful about speaking to Elisa’s undermedication:

Opinion: The decedent died as a result of drowning. A complete autopsy examination showed no evidence of trauma, and toxicology studies did not show acute drug or alcohol intoxication. Decedent had a history of bipolar disorder for which she was prescribed medication. Toxicology studies were performed for the presence of these drugs. However, quantitation in the blood was not performed due to the limited sample availability. Therefore, interpretation is limited. Police investigation did not show evidence of foul play. A full review of the circumstances of the case and appropriate consultation do not support intent to harm oneself. The manner of death is classified as accident.

Something to note in the autopsy report is Elisa’s death classification was listed as Undertermined upon conclusion of her physical examination on February 21. On June 18, the classification was changed to Accident. This was after the tox results came back and there was no sign of any overdose or poisoning. There is nothing to read into the change—this is routine to change a conclusion upon receiving further evidence or absence of evidence.

Despite internet sleuths pontificating about conspiracy theories from a serial killer loose in the hotel to a poltergeist practicing the paranormal, it’s clear from the official investigation that Elisa went into some sort of psychotic event and intentionally—on her own—entered the insecure, water-filled cistern. With no way out and only treading water to temporarily survive, she succumbed to drowning. It must have been a ghastly way to go.

The Cecil Hotel

In reading up on the Cecil Hotel’s history, I found quotes like these describing its past:

“Insanity within its walls. A hotbed of death.”
“Guests ranging from drug dealers to prostitutes to rapists.”
“A lot of safety issues. Thousands of 911 calls to there, normally three a day.”
“If you didn’t watch yourself, you might be flying out the window without wings.”
“The most infamous building in horror lore.”
“Unparalleled reputation for the macabre.”
“A meeting place for junkies, runaways, and criminals where they played in violence and death.”
“Murders, and suicides, and unexplained paranormal events.”
“The most dangerous place in Los Angeles, especially above the seventh floor.”
“A place where serial killers go to let their hair down.”

Yes, serial killers.

At the height of his spree, Night Stalker Richard Ramirez stayed on The Cecil’s top floor. Staff and residents would see Ramirez stash his bloodied clothing in the hotel’s trash receptacle and then walk through the lobby in his underwear or sometimes naked. No one reported Ramirez because, back then, who was to say what was normal or abnormal at the Cecil Hotel.

Another Cecil resident serial killer, although less known than the Night Stalker, was Jack Unterweger. He had a different distinguishment, though. Unterweger was an international serial killer who started his murderous career in Austria before moving shop to LA. His MO was to pick up prostitutes and strangle them with their own bras.

Getting back to The Cecil’s history. It was built in the Roaring Twenties as a luxury, but affordable, hotel. Centrally located in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles, The Cecil was perfectly positioned to suffer decline in the Great Depression then dilapidate into a festered urban sore through the later part of the twentieth century and into the early 2000s.

Just a side note on Skid Row. Skid Row is now an urban language term for any rundown part of a city where rubbies reside. LA’s Skid Row is an officially-listed civic region just like SoHo is in Manhattan or the French Quarter is in New Orleans. But LA’s Skid Row set the gold standard for a pit of poverty that made the Skid Row term a household name for the destitute and down-in-the-dumps. At one time, approximately 10,000 homeless people occupied a 4-mile radius around The Cecil.

By 2013, when Elisa Lam died at The Cecil, the hotel had improved. It was renamed, rebranded you could say, into the Stay on Main and billed as an affordable housing complex. Despite renovations and staff improvements, the Cecil Hotel remained lacking on one vital level.


And this is where the stories of Elisa Lam’s death and the Cecil Hotel’s history merge.

I’m sure Elisa Lam chose the Stay on Main (the old Cecil Hotel) because of the location and the price. Can’t argue with that logic when you’re a traveling youth. But other things were going on in Elisa’s life which, to me, seem typical of a bipolar person experiencing their manic and adventuresome stage. That’s reducing or quitting their meds because they don’t think they feel the need at the time.

You can see in watching the now-famous Elevator Video that Elisa was in mental distress. She appeared paranoid, as if someone was out there wanting to harm her. It’s a classic case of psychosis. Somehow from the elevator Elisa made her way to the roof and the tank where she died.

Here’s where the hotel part enters. Elisa had to pass through two barriers to experience her demise. First—getting onto the roof. Second—getting into the tank. Both points should have been locked barriers and impossible for a young lady like Elisa to penetrate.

I’m not sure about the roof access method. I’ve been in a lot of hotels over the years, and I’ve never noticed one that has a public elevator portal to the roof. P for Parkade, yes, but not R for Roof on the buttons. She must have taken the stairway and that, in any case, should have been locked and not accessible with her room key card that was found in the death tank.

The Death Tank

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) clearly defines the cistern or water tank on top of the hotel a “Confined Space”. OSHA has extremely strict rules regulating entry into confined spaces where a person could be trapped and killed. OSHA takes confined space entry so seriously that, not only does a confined space have to be clearly signed and sufficiently locked, OSHA requires a written permit for a worker to enter. That permit must outline the purpose and method of entry and also a rescue plan if things go bad.

In utter basic, OSHA deals with common sense safety procedures like preventing access to dangerous places. For example, a 14-story hotel roof and a potentially lethal water cistern. The Cecil Hotel (sorry, in 2013 the Stay on Main) was utterly negligent in allowing a psychotic young lady to get onto its roof and drown in their tank.

Both access points should have had locked barriers, and Elisa’s host failed to protect their guest’s safety. But I guess preventing things like Elisa Lam’s ghastly death at the haunted Cecil Hotel has never been part of the company culture.


On September 14, 1922, illicit lovers Edward Wheeler Hall and Eleanor Reinhardt Mills were murdered near New Brunswick, New Jersey. Hall, age 43, was a married Episcopalian minister. Mills, age 34 and married to a different man, was a soprano in his church choir. Three people—Hall’s legal wife and her two brothers—were charged with the crimes but acquitted. One hundred years later, few alive today have heard of the Hall-Mills murder trial but, back then, it was a media circus on par with the 1990s O.J. Simpson fiasco.

Normally, I write original material for the Dyingwords blog. Today, however, I’m going to plagiarize a bit because this description from The Yale Review says more about the sensational Hall-Mills side show than I can do justice to:

This steaming porridge of lust, murder, and scandal proved irresistible to the tabloids. As one eminent chronicler of the period outs it: “The Hall-Mills case had all the elements needed to satisfy an exacting public taste for the sensational. It was grisly, it was dramatic (the bodies being laid side to side as if to emphasize an unhallowed union), it involved wealth and respectability, it had just the right amount of sex interest–and in addition, it took place close to New York City, the great metropolitan nerve-center of the American press.”

The frenzied coverage turned the old Phillips farm, where the bodies were found, into a major tourist attraction. On weekends, the crime scene became a virtual carnival with vendors hawking popcorn, peanuts, soft drinks, and balloons to the hordes of the morbidly curious who arrived “at the rate of a thousand cars a day.” Within a few weeks, the crabapple tree, under which the bodies were lying, had been completely stripped of every branch and bit of bark by ghoulish souvenir hunters, while one enterprising individual peddled samples of the dirt surrounding the now-infamous tree for twenty-five cents a bag.

Back to the story of what happened, who probably did it, and why. Let’s start with the case facts.

The Reverend Ed Wheeler was born in Brooklyn and received his theology degree in Manhattan. He moved to New Jersey in 1909 and was tenured at the Evangelist Episcopal Church in New Brunswick. Here he met Frances Noel Stevens who was eight years his senior and filthy rich, being an heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune. They married in 1911 and had no children.

Eleanor Mills did have children. She was married to James E. Mills who was a sexton in Hall’s church and a rather n’er-do-well. Eleanor was an attractive and vivacious lady with an exceptional voice. She was a core member of the church and became Hall’s mistress.

It was no secret in New Brunswick’s society that Mills and Hall were having an affair. In fact, they were quite open about it. Many in the congregation gossiped and disapproved—not just of a clergy-parishioner relationship but the societal misalignment. Hall’s wife and family were upper class while Mills belonged with the working poor.

On September 16, 1922 (two days after Hall and Mills disappeared) a young couple walking through an orchard happened upon the bodies. Mills and Hall were lying side-by-side on their backs with their feet facing a crabapple tree. Hall was to Mill’s left with his arm touching hers while Mill’s arm was stretched, touching his. Hall’s Panama hat covered his face while Mills’ scarf wrapped her neck. Between the two were ripped-up love letters that Mills and Hall had previously passed back and forth. Notably, Reverend Hall’s calling card was set at his feet.

Autopsies showed both had been shot with a .32 caliber handgun. Hall received one gunshot wound to the head with the bullet entering above his right ear and travelling downward, exiting the left rear of his neck. Mills had three gunshot wounds. One was in the center of her forehead two inches above the nose. A second plowed through her right cheek. A third pierced her right temple.

There were minor bruises on Hall but couldn’t be conclusively linked to a struggle. Mills, on the other hand, had her throat slit from ear to ear, practically decapitating her. Her tongue had been extracted and was missing.

The initial investigation was How Not to Process a Crime Scene 101. The police failed to secure the area and a mass of onlookers had access not only to view the bodies but in handling evidence like the love letters and the calling card. The story quickly spread and became the frenzied craze described in the Yale Review excerpt.

From the onset, Hall’s wife—Frances Stevens Hall—was the prime suspect in setting up the murders. Not committing them, though, as that suspicion fell on her two brothers, Henry Hewgill Stevens and William “Willie” Carpender Stevens. The district attorney quickly took the case before a grand jury theorizing that Frances was the jealous mastermind while Henry and Willie were the obliging gunmen.

The grand jury didn’t buy it due to a lack of evidence. They rejected an indictment and the case went dormant for four years. In the legal system, that is.

In the news system, the Hall-Mills murder case was far from forgotten. The early 1920s was a vibrant time. Americans were recovering from a war and a pandemic. They wanted a release. The media gave it to them with the birth of American-style tabloids which rejected the stiff-collar, upper-crust reporting style of the New York Times.

William Randolph Hearst began publishing British-like papers targeting sensationalism. Hearst’s New York Daily Mirror competed with the already established tabloids New York Daily News and the New York Graphic. Hearst, being the cunning entrepreneur he was, looked to one-up the competition. He found one story that had it all—love & sex, money, and murder. Throw in a philandering clergyman and he had what Americans of the Roaring Twenties wanted to read.

The NY Daily Mirror resurrected the Hall-Mills murder case in 1925. Investigating reporters dug up “new evidence” which was so publicized that the New Jersey officials couldn’t ignore it. There were a few overlooked items from the 1922 investigation that showed up on the tabloid covers.

One was that Willie Stevens owned a .32 caliber pistol. Two was that Willie Stevens’s fingerprint was on the calling card found at the dead feet of Ed Hall. Three was the “Pig Woman” who claimed to have seen the murders go down.

This time, the New Brunswick grand jury indicted the three original suspects. The trial started on November 3, 1926 in neighboring Somerset, New Jersey. And if the original crime scene was a media gong show, that held nothing compared to the trial. At least three hundred news reporters covered the 33-day debacle.

The Pig Woman was the star prosecution witness. Now, there’s a story behind this pig lady. Her name was Jane Gibson or Jane Easton or Jane Upson, depending on what she wanted for the day. Jane got her pig woman name from being a farmer who kept hogs on the property next door to the orchard where the Hall and Hills bodies were found.

The Pig Woman never surfaced in the 1922 investigation, but she miraculously appeared when the tabloid coverage began. Jane stated that on the evening of September 14, 1922, her dog began barking and indicating toward the orchard. Being curious, Jane rode her mule over to the site and witnessed the three accused Stevens siblings there with the victims. As she was leaving, she heard gunshots, then went back to see Mrs. Frances Hall weeping over her dead husband’s body.

Now credibility is an important issue in witness testimony. It doesn’t help a jury’s impression when the witness’s mother (Jane’s own mom) kept yelling from the back of the courtroom while her daughter was testifying, “She’s a liar. A liar. A liar.” Nor does it create a reassuring picture when the star witness, who’s being called a liar, testifies from a hospital bed that had to be wheeled into the packed-to-over-capacity courtroom.

The three accused, Frances Stevens Hall, Henry Stevens, and Willie Stevens, all took the stand and testified on their own behalf. Frances, the stoic, denied any motivation, means, and opportunity. Henry’s defense was “Prove it. I have nothing to hide”. Willie was a special case. He was known as “Nutty Willie” in the community and probably had high-functioning autism. Apparently, he played the prosecutor like a hooked fish.

To use the cliché “in the end”, the jury acquitted Frances, Henry, and Willie. Their dream team defense counsel turned the trial into a class war where Ed Hall stooped to be with a common cheating wife like Eleanor Mills and they deserved what they got. Here’s a quote from a Rutgers pdf paper titled The Hall-Mills Murder Case: The Most Fascinating Unsolved Murder in America:

Frances Hall was presented as a paragon, along with her two brothers. “Have they been thugs?”, her lawyer asked the jury. ”Have they criminal records? Are they thieves? No. They are refined, genteel, law-abiding people, the very highest type of character, churchgoing Christians, who up to this time enjoyed the perfect admiration and respect of their friends and neighbors.”

When the jury acquitted Frances, Henry, and Willie the media manic trial was over, but the tabloids milked it until another sensational case came about. In 1932, famed aviator Charles Lindbergh’s baby was abducted and murdered. The tabloids finally closed the Hall-Mills case.

Over the last century, there’ve been numerous books written and articles submitted that looked at the Hall-Mills murders. There’s a guy named Julius Bolyog who came out 47 years after the murders stating he was a middle-man between the Frances and Willie connection and the hired killers. I seriously question his credibility. His account doesn’t pass the smell test, but you can listen to a 9-part recording produced in 1970 documenting Bolyog’s claim.

Then there’s the exhaustive work by Gerald Tomlinson titled Fatal Tryst: Who Killed the Minister and the Choir Singer? This author somehow concludes the Ku Klux Klan did it. Whatever.

So, what do I think? What an old murder cop thinks? Someone who’s been there, done that in murders?

The first thing to mind is the body positions. This was ritualistic. Hall and Mills were placed on their backs, touching each other, facing the crabapple tree with their torn love letters between them for a reason. These murders were all about infidelity.

I don’t think they were killed at this site. Rather, they were shot elsewhere and transported to the orchard knowing full well they’d be found, and the statement made. The killers wanted their victims publicly presented and a message sent.

I say killers (plural) because I don’t believe Hall and Mills were done at the dump site. It’d take two people to load, transport, and display the bodies. Handling a limp dead body by yourself is a tough go. Believe me. I was a coroner, and I know about the challenges in handling dead bodies.

I find the gunshot wounds telling. Ed Hall was shot from above and downward. From his upper right to his lower left. Eleanor Mills was shot three times, and it seems to me the shooter had to work on her. I’d say the first shot caught her struggling and zipped through her cheek. The second was more controlled and went through her temple. The third was a finish-off through the forehead after she was face-first controlled.

Control. This crime speaks to a planned control. The killers and plotter had to find the two—Ed Hall and Eleanor Mills—together and take control so they would initially cooperate. This might have been in a vehicle as it’s had to quickly get out of a vehicle when things go deadly fast.

I speculate the killers sucked Hall and Mills into the back seat of a car. Hall was on the rear driver’s side. Mills was on the rear passenger’s side.

By sucking in, I mean blackmailing. Somehow, the killers got Hall and Mills attention to get them controlled. Blackmailing will do that.

The gunshot patterns are telling. I speculate the shooter was in the passenger front position. The other killer was behind the wheel. The shooter first pulled the trigger on Hall which explains the downward, right-to-left trajectory.

I speculate Mills immediately turned left toward Hall when he was shot, exposing the right side of her face to the gunman. The shooter turned the pistol on her and got the first bullet through her cheek as she was moving to her left. The second shot to Mills got her in the right temple which would be a natural trajectory. The third shot was a fate-de-complete in her forehead. Probably this was post mortem in the orchard because the exhibit list records one .32 casing found at the death site.

The throat slit? I speculate this was also symbolic, but I don’t speculate this was done in the car. Too hard to do and too messy—too much blood. I’d say this was done post-mortem, in the orchard after the bodies were placed. The throat-slit and de-tonguing symbolism? Something about a message not to talk, I’d guess.

Who do I speculate were the mastermind, shooter, and wheelman?

I use two homicide investigation principles I’ve known for years. One is Occam’s razor—where when presented with two opposing hypotheses, the simplest answer is usually the correct answer. The Ku Klux Klan? Or within the family?

Two is the time-tested principle that the stranger the case, the closer the answer is to home. The Ku Klux Klan or the family?

So who, in my old murder cop opinion, planned it, carried it out, and why?

Frances Stevens Hall ordered it to send a message to New Brunswick’s society. She’d had enough of her cheating husband embarrassing her with a low-class floozie. She needed to send a strong social statement to maintain her wealth and power status.

I’d say Henry pulled the trigger while Willie was behind the wheel. It’s just a guess. But I’d say Willie, with his autistic creativity, staged the dump scene.

Then, again, who am I to speculate 100 years after the fact.