Category Archives: Forensics


AA1Why do we study other animals and they don’t study us? What is it about the human brain that allows the cognitive ability for abstract reasoning and creativeness? What is it that makes the human brain so special? It comes down to one thing that humans do that no other living creature does.

I just watched a fascinating TED Talk by neuroscientist Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel where she looks at the difference in animal brain structures and arrives at a shocking, yet simple explanation.

AA6For years, mainstream science assumed that there was a direct relationship to the rate of intelligence and the size of the brain. However if you look at the brain of a cow to the brain of a chimp, they both weigh around 400 grams. Using that theory, the two species should have about the same intelligence. Carrying it further, a human brain weighs about 1.5 kilograms, an elephant’s is 4.5 kilos, and a blue whale tops out at 9 kg. Something clearly is wrong with the size of the brain vs. intelligence theory.

Is there an intelligence relationship in the size of an animal’s brain to the size of its body?

Take gorillas for instance. Their bodies average 180 kg and their brains are 0.5 kg. Human bodies average 75 kg and our brains are 1.5 kg. So the human brain to body ratio are 7.2 times larger than gorillas and we appear to be a lot smarter – although that’s debatable with some people.

But the daily energy consumption that a human brain requires is proportionately much higher than a gorilla’s brain.

AA8Gorillas spend most of their day feeding to supply energy in keeping a larger body mass fuelled, whereas humans only require three quick meals to support a smaller body but a larger and more active brain. Human brains are only 2% of our body mass but require 25% of our energy consumption to operate. Gorilla brains only consume 10% of their daily calorie intake. So what’s going on here?

Dr. Herculano-Houzel researched the long-held assumption that there was a direct proportion of neurons, or thought processors, per weight of grey matter. It was thought that the human brain held around 100 billion neurons but she could not find the source of this information. So she decided to do some experimentation.

AA9She developed a process to extract neuron nuclei from grey-matter cells and established that the average human brain contains 86 billion neurons – 16 billion in our cerebral cortex alone, which is by far the highest in any species and the seat of cognitive awareness.

She observed that there was nothing different in the basic structure between human brains and other primates like gorillas, chimps, and orangutans. And yes, humans are just another species of primate. It’s just that we have a much higher brain to body size ratio and we have a lot more neurons that our cousins do.

AA13But our brain to body energy requirements are so much higher than apes, yet we feed far less. This led her to ask the question – What happened in our evolutionary process that made human brains so proportionately larger?

Anthropology determines that the human brain suddenly increased about 1.5 million years ago. Something else happened at the same time.

Humans learned to cook their food.

AA12We learned to use fire to pre-digest our caloric intake which supercharged the ability to fuel and grow the brain. Because of cooking high-calorie, high-protein foods, our brain size rapidly increased to becoming a large energy-consuming asset rather than a liability.

Humans spent far less time searching for, devouring, and digesting low calorie raw vegetative foods than other primates did. Our omnivorous diet allowed us to focus our cerebral cortex on developing better food processing ventures like agriculture, civilization, electricity, and supermarkets.

So what do we do that no other creature does?

We cook.

 *   *   *

AA15Watch Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel’s fascinating, 13 minute TED Talk here:

Visit her website at:


Case2Forensic Outreach is one of the coolest sites on the internet for crime writers and forensic junkies. It’s an educational organization that specializes in public engagement on forensic, crime, and security science disciplines.

On February 17, 2015, Forensic Outreach is launching a remarkable new project on Kickstarter called CASE Academy.


Alongside an already incredible virtual faculty and by combining powerful learning tools, CASE Academy is an interactive online school that provides resources — lectures, games, and simulations — for students, educators, and anyone who is fascinated by these subjects. For those that don’t know, Kickstarter is a prominent crowdfunding platform that will assist CASE Academy to build direct relationships with future students from the beginning.

Case6Forensic Outreach has been a dynamic and active part of the science curriculum in classrooms throughout the United Kingdom and Europe since 2001, although it was re-launched on the web last year to broadly deliver CSI workshops.

Their events and outreach programs are facilitated by instructors, trainees, interns, volunteers, and law students from UCL, King’s College, Birmingham, and Newcastle.

Conceived to introduce forensics as an integrative and cross-disciplinary approach to science education, Forensic Outreach has worked with over one hundred academic institutions and charities. Now, as part of their online public engagement activities, they’re assembling a team of talented writers, regular contributors and podcasters to record and deploy our broadcasts.

Case7Forensic Outreach has developed partnerships with local police forces across the UK, the JDI Centre for the Forensic Sciences at University College London, the Barts Museum of Pathology, and the Center for Forensic Science Research and Education in the USA. They’ve delivered events for a number of high-profile institutions, including the Museum of London.

The JDI Centre is a multi-disciplinary initiative that aims to contribute significantly to the development of the forensic sciences, in part through collaborative projects with Forensic Outreach. They’ve also worked alongside local community groups to deliver masterclasses to adults learners and led one-off presentations for interested individuals for science-themed meet-up gatherings.

Case4I first connected with the folks at Forensic Outreach via Twitter and instantly became a leading fan and supporter as I was so impressed by the depth and variety of their quality content.

Here’s some examples of the great entertaining and educational information that you’ll find in Forensic Outreach:

A collage of the top fifty crime/security/science articles for 2014. There’s fascinating stuff in here like The Grisly History of Forensics, Stranger than Crime Fiction, and The CSI Effect – Are Juries Being Blinded by Science?

CASE15Three real-life forensic tools straight out of science-fiction. Here’s tomorrow’s technology that’s being used today – scene replication through virtual walk-thrus, autopsies without scalpels, and computerized facial recognition in crowds.

Fifty incredible women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). No doubt you’ve heard of Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, but do you know who Ory Okolloh Mwangi, Dr. Sue Black, Caitlin Doughty, or DN Lee are?

PrintTwenty-five eccentric, weird, and wonderful crime & science blogs. Check out Morbid Anatomy, Strange Remains, The Chick and the Dead, Bones Don’t Lie, or my favourite – Mortuary Report.

Three real-life scientists who are larger than their TV counterparts. Meet police criminologist Daniel Holstein, forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, and forensic biologist Dr. Neal Haskell.

_DM30254 (2)Here’s the fifty best crime writers to watch for. Some knowns and lesser-knowns on the list are Lee Child, James Rollins, Jo Nesbo, Louise Penny, MJ McGrath, Max China, but unfortunately not Garry Rodgers. See who else made the list.

Learn six methods of firearm & ballistic identification. Find out about striations, GSR, tissue damage, trajectory and impressions.

This is only a sampling of the tremendous material that you’ll find on Forensic Outreach.

Case14Now, as part of their online public engagement activities, they’re assembling a team of talented writers, regular contributors, and podcasters to record and deploy their broadcasts. Forensic Outreach is now leaping beyond their original purpose and aims to reach a wider audience through online public engagement campaigns like CASE Academy.

The Kickstarter launch “army” includes hundreds of people just like you and me – STEM educators, science communicators, journalists, serial podcast addicts, crime writers, and more.

Case17I’m writing this post because I so strongly believe in the credibility and value that Forensic Outreach has. I know that CASE Academy is going to be a deadly success and I’m asking you to help make it an incredible virtual school. Please support this excellent venture by shouting out on social media, or if you feel even more generous, you can donate to the Kickstarter campaign as well.

Remember, Tuesday, February 17, 2015, is launch day for the CASE Academy Kickstarter campaign. It starts at 14:00 GMT.

Please join the Kickstarter army by signing onto the Quick Button on the CASE Academy website at

Case2Or visit the main Forensic Outreach website at

Help them out on Twitter – @ForensicFix using  #caseacademy .

Like & follow Forensic Outreach on Facebook

Check out their Goodreads page at—crime-mystery-readers-and-writers


And help me boost traffic for my friends at Forensic Outreach and CASE Academy by passing this on through all of your social media connections.



aa1aState execution of convicted criminals is a hotly-debated, life-and-death social issue. The subject of capital punishment pushes more emotional buttons than practical ones.

There’s a host of heated arguments to back up each camp’s position.

aa3The Pros put forward justice, retribution, deterrence, cost-saving, and closure to victims as reasons to carry out the death penalty. The Cons defer to moral, religious, legal, unfair application, and danger of mistake as grounds not to kill condemned prisoners.

So who’s right?

Both, if you listen to the emotional pleas.

But set aside all the teeth-gnashing and hair-tearing and look at the practical benefits of having death penalty legislation.

aa4It goes without saying that punishment must fit the crime and execution must be reserved for the most despicable of criminals such as child-rapists, serial-killers, and mass-murderers. Some jurisdictions retain the right to execute lesser felons like mutineers, traitors, and spies, however it’s sensible that only exceptionally dangerous people, for whom there’s no chance of rehabilitation, or that their crimes are so horrific that there’s no other just punishment, be executed. Serial killer Theodore (Ted) Bundy is a prime example as well as the terrorists behind the 911 bombings.

There are only two unshakable reasons for the state having and enforcing the power to execute a convicted murderer.

First, it’s an indisputable fact that execution guarantees that person will never re-offend.

aa5Yes, the counter argument suggests that locking an inmate up for life with no possibility of parole achieves the same end, but it’s not the same thing. There are many cases where a dangerous criminal has escaped or found a legal means to roam free and kill again.Once a killer is dead, that’s the end of their threat to society. Period.

There’s a second practical application of death penalty legislation that few people in the general public think about, but which police officers and prosecutors know to be valid.

aa6Capital punishment is an effective, persuasive tool in forcing caught killers to co-operate with authorities. Plea-bargains are done with accused murderers where the death penalty is waived in exchange for information. This leads to solving other homicides, recovering bodies, giving closure to victimized families, and studying the minds of these monsters in order to understand and prevent future miscreants. The save-his-life deal with Seattle’s Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, paid off big.

There’ll never be unanimous support for and against capital punishment, let alone on the method on how it should be carried out.

Moral. Practical. Economic. Vengeance. Justice. Retribution. Deterrence. Cost-saving. Closure. Moral, Religious. Legal. Unfair application. Danger of Mistake.

Lethal injection. Firing squad. Noose. Gas chamber. Electric chair. Beheading, stoning, and burning at the stake.

What are your thoughts? Is capital punishment justice or murder? And is there a humane method in carrying it out?

I’m dying to hear your words.