Category Archives: Life & Death


Do you ever think about how everything is a dichotomy?

Life and DeathLife and death. Order and chaos. Good and evil.

There’s two sides to every coin; heads and tails.

You can’t have a front without a back. An up without a down. An in without an out. And you sure can’t have a top without a bottom.

Nor can you have life without death.. or death without life.

George BurnsDo you remember the movie “O God” with George Burns as the big guy?

The little girl who co-starred (can’t recall her name, but she was excellent) challenged God to prove his existence. He really had to think and then he told her about opposites. He said you can’t have hot without cold, happy without sad, full without hungry, safe without danger, and he went on with a lot more dichotomies. He said that it was him, God, that made it all happen.

She took it all in and asked what his opposite was. He replied without hesitation “The Devil”. She asked how to protect herself from the Devil. God told her to always believe in God and ask for God’s help.

Just like I do every day and I hope you do, too.

But my vision of God may be a little different than yours.

God B&WI don’t buy into the conventional religions which work a fear/reward factor into forcing you to follow the herd. I don’t see God a vain old white man in flowing robes sitting on a throne in the sky and meddling in the day to day affairs of individual humans; a God who you have to suck-up to in order to get to heaven, or keep out of hell.

No, I see God in everything. From the stars and the sea, the trees and the critters, and in other people. I see God as that non-local plane of infinite intelligence that makes it all happen.

And I believe that we’re simply a part of God and that we can ask for and get guidance, if we just believe in God and know what we want when we ask.

And it’s up to us as individuals to take responsibility to do the right thing, not the wrong thing.

Right and WrongHmm. Another dichotomy. Right and wrong.

Just like life and death.


Regular DyingWords readers know that I’m a retired cop and coroner, but probably don’t know that in my ‘retirement’ I have the dream seasonal job.

KIL BoatI drive a wildlife tour boat for a high-end, fly-in, eco-tourism lodge on Canada’s British Columbia Pacific coast.

I take people from all over the world to see grizzly bears and whales in their wilderness habitat. I get paid to do what others pay dearly to experience. Pretty cool retirement, eh?

OrcaYesterday, I took seven guests to watch the food chain in action. (Five enjoyed it. Two didn’t. That’s their problem that they didn’t clue-in and ruined their own holiday.)

Salmon 2Actually, the chain is more like a ball. In the middle of the ball are the salmon. Right now the salmon are returning to spawn in the fresh-water rivers after completing their cycle in the open-ocean, salt-water.

Salmon eggsSalmon start life as eggs laid in the exact place where they return to die.

How do they find their way home? No one knows. The scientists write it off to instinct. That’s the easiest cop-out to get around dealing with a huge gap in the human understanding – Consciousness. But that’s for another blog.

GrizzlySo the fry salmon start out as being food for everything else that needs them; other fish, birds, mammals, insects, amphibians, and reptiles. They work the numbers game, head out en-masse to the sea where the predation continues. They fight their way home through whales and dolphins and seals and sea lions and bears and eagles and gulls and otters and wolves and, of course human fishers. (Fisher is a gender-neutral, politically-correct word that we must now use.)

Seal salmonThen, those salmon who make it through the gauntlet lay their eggs (right where they were born, remember!), and they die. Some end up in the stomachs of bears, some in eagles or seals, some in mink or martin, and some in other fish.

But nothing goes to waste. Their carcasses rot and fertilize the streams, or they are dragged on shore and fertilize the plants. Or, they are pooped out by all the feasting creatures and fertilize the riparian zone, which is the forest canopy along the stream’s edge which gives shade and protection for the eggs and the fry.

And the ball keeps rolling.

SalmonBut remove the salmon and the ball deflates.

The salmon are vitally important in keeping the earth ball bouncing.

Without the salmon, the whole food ‘chain’ collapses and nature is in one hell of a mess.

Where do you as a human life play in all this?

Well, if you come for a boat ride with me, I’ll show you how the food ball works here in the Canadian wilderness. I’ll help you observe nature at work, but I’ll let you figure out your place in the life and death cycle.

EarthHere’s a hint: You’re every much as part of the ball (which we call earth) as every other critter is.

So, go enjoy your life while you have it, because you’re going to end up dead one day.

Just like the salmon.

And all those who depend upon the salmon.

Oh, yeah! Another thing.

Please don’t ruin anyone else’s trip before you get off the boat.


I’m privileged to be interviewed by Joanna Penn from

Joanna PennOur discussion was about the main things that fiction writers get wrong in death scenes. It’s graphic, candid, and kinda fun if you’re a thriller author.

3D1I also did a plug for my novel, No Witnesses To Nothing, now an Amazon Top Ten BestSeller.

To read the full article and listen to the 41 minute podcast, click the URL below:

Let me know what you think of it.

I’m dying to hear your words.