Tag Archives: Consciousness


What’s going to happen to you in death?

DeathWhere do you go? What will you do? Is it truly the end of your life? Or the beginning of another? Are you just going to have one long sleep? Or a continuation of your eternal journey?

HeavenWill you meet past departed loved ones? Or connect with your maker? Will you go to heaven? Or to hell? Will you be alone? Consoled? In purgatory, peace, or in peril? Pain? Comfort? Agony? Bliss?

I’ve been asked these questions, and a lot more, by those close to the deceased that I’d examined as a Coroner – bereaved folks, struggling for what makes sense. I don’t have the answers, still don’t, so I did a lot of listening and let them tell me their thoughts.

AfterlifeI observed one consistent thing about human nature. With the exception of the occasional atheist, a basic human trait is a belief in an afterlife. The form varies, but it seems programmed that somehow you recognize that you live on in death. It’s something… you just know.

It’s obvious that your physical body changes form after death, whether that be through natural decomposition or through a mortician’s craft, but what’s fascinating is what happens to the non-physical part of you…


In life, you’re a conscious being. Consciousness became part of your existence somewhere following your conception and will leave you somewhere around death. Where it came from… and where it goes? No one knows.

consciousnessThe study of consciousness is something that’s only beginning to be discovered in the human journey. Science knows much about what makes your body tick, but almost nothing about your mind.

And what’s your mind? It’s the facilitator of consciousness. The link between the terminal and the eternal; the body/mind duality that philosophers have struggled with since becoming aware of consciousness. So it makes sense that your mind is eternal, as is consciousness.

I think what’s behind the black door of death is exactly what was there before you came through it. You go back to the same state you were in before being born. Death just alters your state of consciousness and you continue to live on forever.

What do you think’s going to happen to you?

I’m dying to hear your words.


Whether you’re Christian or not, you have to behold the enormous impact Jesus of Nazareth continues to have on humanity.

JCTwenty-one centuries after his recorded birth, approximately 2.2 billion souls adhere to Christianity; a mainstay being their belief that Jesus possessed supernatural abilities. The religion asks you to accept the Articles of Faith – the Immaculate Conception, the Miracles, direct communication with the Divine, and the Resurrection. All of these require your acceptance that Jesus was, and continues to be, a supernatural entity. The payback of your faith is everlasting life for your soul.

So what, exactly, does supernatural mean? Without checking with Webster, I’d say it’s events for which there appears no natural, scientific explanation. Much of our understanding of science comes from operating in our timeline. 2,000 years ago the PC I’m writing this on, and the Internet connection you’re receiving it through, would be mind-blowing. We’d probably get stoned for Blogging.

3D1Over the past two years, I did a lot of investigation into the supernatural while writing No Witnesses To Nothing. The novel’s based on a true-crime story where many believe paranormal intervention occurred, as there’s no natural, scientific explanation for what went down during a police operation on a frozen Canadian Yukon lake, 27 years ago.

My research into the science and spirituality behind the human soul took me into the worlds of organized religion, First Nations mythology, Shamanism, consciousness, and quantum physics. I confirmed there’s a lot of really weird shit that goes down which science sucks at explaining, but there’s continual scientific progress being made into understanding all kinds of fascinating things.

Higgs BosonThis year, the Higgs Boson confirmation bust the quantum door wide-open in our understanding how the sub-atomic communicates – some call it the ‘God Particle’. Another little gem is in DNA research with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) explaining how genetic code realignment at the quantum level accounts for how chameleons and cuttlefish camouflage – they think themselves into shifting shape.

Christ on CrossI believe that the human soul exists, and I made an attempt to scientifically & spiritually explain how the soul works. But I gotta admit that it comes down to faith, just as 1/3 of humanity accepts that Jesus Christ is supernatural and I respect that.

What do you think? Have I been drinking the Cool-Aid?

I’m dying to hear your words.


In my opinion, yes.

LifeBut it depends on how you think of life.

If you think of life as the physical part of your existence – of course you’re immortal.

A basic principle of physics is that matter cannot be created or destroyed; only changed. And your body has been changing since the moment you were conceived. Most of the cells in your body are not the same ones you had a year ago. That’s why we eat; to supply energy and matter for replacing the cells that ‘die’ off.

CellsWhen you ‘die’, you’re cells decompose and go on in the stream of life. If you’re buried, your body rests in containment, but still goes on to becoming part of the earth. If you’re cremated, most of your mass goes up in smoke and into the atmosphere, and your ashes go wherever your family places them – in the water, under a tree, or fired off in a cannon like I know of how one lady went out (True story). Or if you ‘die’ in the ocean, the crabs eat you. Hey! They gotta eat, too.

But what about your soul?

Soul 2I like the word soul because it simply labels that intangible part of your existence that provides ‘life’ to everything that exists. It can no more be created or destroyed anymore than your cells. It only changes from one form of consciousness to another.

Ever hear of the term animism?

It’s the belief that everything has a soul. A life force. The essence to existence. The conduit of consciousness. The intangible field that connects with all else including humans, animals, plants, celestial bodies, and the forces of nature.

consciousnessI believe that when you ‘die’, your soul transcends from this plane of local consciousness and rejoins that plane of non-local consciousness which is the cloud of infinite intelligence that gives order to all existence.

You go back to where you were before you were born.

I call that ‘God’. I’m comfortable with that word, too. It’s simple and has been used a lot.

Are you comfortable with your soul?

You should be.

Your soul is the only thing you came into this plane of existence with and the only thing you’re going to take going out.