Tag Archives: Life


Help Wanted – Executioner for part time work.

ExecutionerAs/when required. Must be discreet and obedient to judicial orders. Able to carry out assignments without passing personal judgment; impartial to client age, race, sex, nationality, religion, or pleas of clemency. Persons subject to fits of compassion, mercy, or second guessing need not apply.


Can you do it?

60% of you can. 40% of you can’t. Surveys indicate that a majority of adults support capital punishment… under the right circumstances. So if you support it… you should be able to do it.

PicktonIt’s not too difficult to categorize who should die for high crimes. Child rapist-murderers head the list. So do serial killers like Vancouver’s Willie Pickton who butchered 50 women and fed them to his pigs.

Then there’s the drug gang-bangers and, of course, the mass-weapon terrorists. Most people will do-in some scumbag who knocks off his wife for insurance and takes up with a slut. And screw the cop-killer, too.

But what about the drunk driver who runs down someone for the third time? Or the druggie who gets excessive in the corner-store holdup? Or the wife who flips and knifes her husband and his secret gay lover?

Electric chairIs there merit to ‘the punishment must fit the crime’? What about ‘an-eye-for-an-eye’? Where do you draw the line on who sits on Old Sparky and who sits on ice? What happens if the condemned turns out to be innocent? Can you remotely take the chance? Does it deter others? Is it downright cruel and unusual – an act no civilized society can condone – regardless of the severity of the crime?

Well, hang-on and read the job description. These aren’t your concerns, so park it and ask the missing question.

How am I supposed to do it?

Let’s take a look at your options.

Lethal InjectionThese days, your best instrument is lethal injection. You’ll operate in a sanitary environment easing your patient with a sedative before clinically administering an intravenous flow of phenobarbital to put them to sleep. It’s neat, tidy, and you’ll have little clean-up once you’re done.

Depending on where you’re required, you might still activate an electric chair. Watch The Green Mile first so you won’t be too surprised when something smokes and cooks off.

The gas chamber is still elective and a firing squad – fast. Hanging is a swingin’ method, tried & true, but has some nasty side effects.

Years ago, you’d have a whack of acceptable devices. Crushing by elephants was handy as was using horses to tear limbs apart. Drawing and quartering worked fine, as did burning at the stake, boiling and burying alive, flaying, garroting, stoning, smothering, keelhauling, and impaling. Remember Vlad? Sick sonofabitch he was.

guillitineLet’s not forget the guillotine – messy but meaningful. Ling Chi, or ‘Death By 1000 Cuts’, took a while. Google ‘Cave of Roses’. That’ll creep the bejeezus outa you. Starving and dehydration were simple. The Pendulum was quite a feature and included the benefit of sheer terror. Consider beheading by double-bladed axe and disemboweling as well.

Leave crucifixion alone. It’s been done and has gained quite a sympathetic following.


There’s been a variety of creative tutors, but there’s one frikin’ guy who was really a master.

Vasili BlokhinHe’s Vasili Blokhin, a Major-General in Stalin’s army. He possibly notched-up a hundred thousand. In one month alone Old Vasili personally executed 7,000 Polish soldiers, setting an ambitious quota of 300 per night. To keep up the pace he used a single shot to the base of the neck from a .25 Walther pistol, being handed fresh magazines by an eager apprentice. Vasili eventually drank himself to death. Some say it was suicide by vodka. Don’t matter; he made it to the Guinness Book of Records.

So… are you up for the job?

Got what it takes?

Decide soon. All applications must be in by midnight.



Recently a 60 year old acquaintance of mine suffered a brain aneurysm.

CasketJeff lingered on life support for a few days while his family made very difficult decisions, including preparing for his organs to be donated once the inevitable came and the plug would be pulled.

No one saw this coming; not family, not friends, not co-workers – and especially not Jeff. I didn’t know him well, but he struck me as a decidedly happy type who really enjoyed life. Jeff was certainly well loved by his friends and his grieving family.

Grim reaperA few weeks have gone by and I’ve been thinking about if it were me who had that aneurysm. What would I regret if the Reaper showed up tomorrow? What can I do now, that I can’t when I’m dead.

In no particular order, here’s eleven things.

1. Take a day off work.

Can you imagine anyone wishing they’d spent more time at work.

Family photo2. Get a family photo done.

Give your loved ones something to treasure.

3. Re-connect with old friends.

Think of whom you’ve lost touch with. Pick up the phone. Email. Facebook ‘em. Do it now… before it’s too late.

Dog walk4. Take the dog for a walk.

Make it a long one. If you don’t have a dog, go borrow one. Rent one if you have to. Dogs are cool and the more you talk to them, the better they like it, and the better you get to know yourself.

5. Send a love letter.

Doesn’t matter to whom. Just let those real feelings out while you can. This is one thing you’ll never regret.

6. Try something new.

HippieA new eatery. Take an artistic course. Bungee-jump. Talk to a hippie. Go geocaching. Give ten bucks to some random, homeless guy. Quit your job, pack up, and head south. Do something new. Don’t stay in that deepening rut.

7. Watch kids play.

Make it a long watch. If you don’t have kids, go borrow some. Rent them if you have to. Lots of ‘em. Better yet, let the dog play with the kids. There is nothing – absolutely nothing – like the sound of children laughing.

8. Go on a picnic.

PicnicTake your spouse. Or your lover. Preferably not both. Maybe your mom and your dad. Daughter or son. Pack cold chicken and potato salad. Cold pinot gris and that red checkered blanket. Go. To hell with the rain. Just go.

9. Volunteer.

Help out a cause. Join a service club or a clean-up group. Help out the seniors or raise money for Guides. Canvas for the heart & stroke foundation, cancer society, MS, or MD. Give something back.

10. Write that book.

Write BookAdmit it. Everybody’s got a book inside them. Start it. Or finish it. Start another. There has never, ever been a better time to be a writer. For God’s sakes, I’m living proof. If I can get one published there is absolutely no frikkin’ reason why you can’t.

11. Sign up as an organ donor.

It takes ten minutes. Let everyone in your circle know and encourage them to do the same.

Jeff was an organ donor.

This is the one thing that Jeff could do after he died.

Organ donor

And because of Jeff’s generosity, four other people are alive today.

So enjoy life. Decide to be happy.

And sign-up today.

You never know when the Reaper will show up.


What’s going to happen to you in death?

DeathWhere do you go? What will you do? Is it truly the end of your life? Or the beginning of another? Are you just going to have one long sleep? Or a continuation of your eternal journey?

HeavenWill you meet past departed loved ones? Or connect with your maker? Will you go to heaven? Or to hell? Will you be alone? Consoled? In purgatory, peace, or in peril? Pain? Comfort? Agony? Bliss?

I’ve been asked these questions, and a lot more, by those close to the deceased that I’d examined as a Coroner – bereaved folks, struggling for what makes sense. I don’t have the answers, still don’t, so I did a lot of listening and let them tell me their thoughts.

AfterlifeI observed one consistent thing about human nature. With the exception of the occasional atheist, a basic human trait is a belief in an afterlife. The form varies, but it seems programmed that somehow you recognize that you live on in death. It’s something… you just know.

It’s obvious that your physical body changes form after death, whether that be through natural decomposition or through a mortician’s craft, but what’s fascinating is what happens to the non-physical part of you…


In life, you’re a conscious being. Consciousness became part of your existence somewhere following your conception and will leave you somewhere around death. Where it came from… and where it goes? No one knows.

consciousnessThe study of consciousness is something that’s only beginning to be discovered in the human journey. Science knows much about what makes your body tick, but almost nothing about your mind.

And what’s your mind? It’s the facilitator of consciousness. The link between the terminal and the eternal; the body/mind duality that philosophers have struggled with since becoming aware of consciousness. So it makes sense that your mind is eternal, as is consciousness.

I think what’s behind the black door of death is exactly what was there before you came through it. You go back to the same state you were in before being born. Death just alters your state of consciousness and you continue to live on forever.

What do you think’s going to happen to you?

I’m dying to hear your words.