Tag Archives: IQ


There’s strong psychological evidence that your emotional intelligence is more important than your cognitive intelligence when it comes to practical life skills. Repeated clinical studies show your emotional quotient (EQ) score should outweigh your intelligence quotient (IQ). EQ is what you need to build positive relationships, improve personal happiness and achieve professional accomplishments. Having a high EQ gives you a nice advantage in the everyday world. It’s the old people-smarts vs book-smarts thing.

A big cognitive intelligent quotient (IQ) indicates you have an excellent learning ability. However, having an elevated emotional quotient (EQ) suggests your ability to function is strong. It’s like the Force is with you. No doubt you’ve met someone with an apparently high IQ who pretty much pissed off everyone. Then, you probably know someone who isn’t particularly “smart” but is exceptionally popular and prosperous.

The best definition of emotional intelligence is the level of capability you have to recognize your own emotions, as well as those of others, and use this information to guide your thinking, behavior and reactions to positively adapt to your environment and achieve your goals. People with high EQs typically excel in both interpersonal and intrapersonal interactions. Simply put, having a strong emotional quotient lets you interact well within society and within yourself.

I recently read a great little work called The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book — Everything You Need to Know to Put Your EQ to Work. It’s written by two Psychology PhDs, Jean Graves and Travis Bradberry, and it’s endorsed by no less than Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey and the Dalai Lama himself. The book also comes with a credible online EQ appraisal which I took. I’m happy to share my score and offer you the opportunity to do so, too. But first, let’s see how emotional intelligence works in your brain and hear the story of poor, unfortunate Phineas Gage.

Who was Phineas Gage and What Happened to his Brain?

You’ve probably never heard of Phineas Gage. I hadn’t either. He was a construction foreman working on the Burlington Railroad in Vermont back in 1848 when he suffered a bizarre injury during a dynamite mishap. Old Phineas was tamping a charge when his steel bar ignited a spark. The premature explosion blew the bar straight through Phineas’s head. The bar’s point entered his left eye and traversed his frontal lobe, then exited through the top of his skull.

Phineas didn’t die, but the accident sure as hell changed his personality. Before the blast, Phineas was a likeable guy. Afterward, he became so emotionally unstable that he was unable to function with others. Phineas became a vulgar misfit who acted completely inappropriate including exhibiting lewd acts, debauchery, drunkenness and flying into rage fits as well as suffering depression bouts mixed with maniacal highs. Today, we’d say he turned into a complete and utter asshole.

And today, we realize what medically and psychologically happened to Phineas Gage’s emotional state when his left frontal lobe was demolished. As a human, your brain’s hard-wired to experience emotions. It’s what gives you a flight or fight response in emergencies as well as the moderation experience of joy, sorrow and neutrality not to mention keeping your behavior in check.

You absorb environmental information via your brainstem, medulla, pons and midbrain sections. Your sensory input gets processed and delivered through your limbic system where it’s passed to your frontal lobes for fine-tuning. It’s your frontal lobe that helps you decide how you’re going to respond to an emotional stimulus.

It’s the back-and-forth communication between the front of your brain and the base that’s the physical source of emotional intelligence. You can compare this process to an information highway. If your limbic system is a windy, two-lane road you’re likely to have a low score on your EQ appraisal. If your path is an eight-lane superhighway, you’re bound to score high.

With Phineas’s frontal lobe half-gone, he was fueled by raw, unprocessed emotion. He lost his ability to reason about, and react to, his feelings. Everything Phineas encountered resulted in a rash emotional response. He had zero ability to manage his feelings or even understand their presence. Every waking hour, Phineas Gage was overcome with emotions, and he reacted outside social norms. It was like the guy was constantly chased by a mind-frigging tiger.

The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book

Fortunately, you likely have an intact brain even if you do get somewhat emotional from time to time. Emotions are a good thing, though, and I’m happy to report you can easily learn to work them to your advantage. Unlike cognitive intelligence where you’re born with a fixed IQ, your emotional intelligence state is flexible. That’s the message the psychologists deliver in The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book.

This quick book opens by stating that not education, not experience, not knowledge and not intellectual horsepower adequately predict why one person succeeds in life and another doesn’t. The writers say something else goes on in society that doesn’t account for a high cognitive IQ. That’s your emotional intelligence, but it’s much harder to identify and qualify an EQ than an IQ.

IQ tests are objective ventures. They’re quantified processes where you’re essentially examined on how well, and how fast, you figure out challenges with clearly right and wrong answers. If you get every question right within a preset time, then you’re considered to be a pretty bright light. If you don’t, well…

The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book doesn’t call their examination process a test. They refer to it as an appraisal because it’s not locked into right and wrong. Rather, the appraisal offers you multiple-choice selections based on emotional stimuli. It’s sort of an always-sometimes-never type of response they ask you to make.

The book’s opening also points out most of us focus our self-improvement energy pursuing knowledge, education and experience to boost our performance. That’s fine and honorable, but the equation is missing another crucial part. That’s having a full understanding of our emotions, not to mention others’ emotions, and how this mix influences our daily lives.

There’s a gap between the popularity of measuring IQ and the misunderstanding of EQ. Most people don’t know what EQ really is and tend to dismiss it as a personality structure like being gregarious or charismatic—sort of an introvert/extrovert thing. Also, many people don’t understand that EQ is a state that can be improved.

It starts with recognizing how emotional intelligence functions and assessing your strengths and weaknesses. This is what the EQ appraisal does. It helps you manage your life so you can fully leverage your cognitive intelligence qualities. Here’s how the appraisal works.

How an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (E-IQ) Appraisal Works

Appraising your emotional intelligence is a relatively new process in the psychology world. There are several works preceding the EQ Quick Book. The first publication, and still the founding authority, was the 1995 book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. Another excellent read is The EQ Edge — Emotional Intelligence and Your Success by Drs. Stein and Book. Both of these are fairly clinical approaches whereas The EQ Quick Book is a short and practical take.

According to Bradberry and Greaves in the Quick Book, there are four basic emotional intelligence skills. They pair into two primary competencies. One is personal competence and the other is social competence. The first two skills focus on you, as an individual, and the second two focus on your contact with other people. Here are the four important emotional intelligence skills you need to know about.

Personal Competence

Self-Awareness — This is your ability to accurately perceive your emotions and remain aware of them. As emotions are fluid responses to ever-changing environmental stimuli, you have to constantly stay on top of your feelings. This includes being acutely aware of your response to specific situations and certain people.

Self-Management — This is using your awareness of your emotions to stay flexible. Being aware lets you positively direct your energy and your behavior. It means taking actions to manage your emotions when dealing with people and situations.

Social Competence

Social Awareness — This is the level in which you pick up on the emotions of other people. Primarily, it’s the empathy you feel for others. It means understanding and appreciating what individuals think and feel even if you don’t view things the same way.

Relationship Management — This is your ability to use your awareness of what’s going on to successfully manage your relationships with other folks. You need to take your emotional awareness and use your intelligence to make things work. Relationship management from an emotional intelligence perspective lets you guide clear communication and effectively handle conflict.

The four emotional intelligence model parts are based on a connection between what you observe and understand and what you do with yourself and others. It’s a case of seeing self-awareness and social awareness and doing self-management and relationship management. Here are practical examples from each category:

Personal Competence — Self-Awareness

  • Self-confidence
  • Awareness of your emotional state
  • Understanding how other people’s behavior influences you and vice-versa

Personal Competence — Self-Management

  • How you handle stress and frustration
  • Knowing when to speak up and shut up
  • Flexibility to roll with the punches and change as the situation demands

Social Competence — Social Awareness

  • Picking up on the room’s mood
  • Empathy with what others are going through
  • Listening and really hearing what another person is saying about a situation

Social Competence — Relationship Management

  • Clearly expressing ideas and information
  • Getting along well with others and effectively handling conflict
  • Using awareness of others’ experience to successfully manage interactions

How Emotional Intelligence Appraisals are Scored

The E-IQ appraisal method used in the Quick Book’s TalentSmart website examination works on a 0–100 point scale. The book’s authors, who developed the scale and the appraisal format, make it clear there’s no such thing as mastering emotional intelligence skills. They unequivocally state you can work and improve E-IQ skills no matter where you sit on the scale. However, they validate the scoring scale and process by using the numbers as relative to a large population they’ve studied and assessed.

Their base-population mass is in the multi-thousands, and the appraisal site on the TalentSmart website works on an algorithm that constantly monitors incoming appraisal scores and places subjects according to their percentage in the overall system. Generally, appraisal scores in the 80-90 percentiles indicate higher emotional intelligence whereas lower scores in the 50-60 percent range indicate an inferior E-IQ makeup compared to the entire population. Their site gives these suggestions according to score:

90-100 % — A strength to capitalize on

80-90 % — A strength to build on

70–80 % — With a little improvement, this could be a strength

60–70 % — Something you should work on

50-60 % — A concern you must address

The TalentSmart web-based appraisal site doesn’t say what you should do if you fall below the 50 percent mark. I’ll leave that, but if you’d like to take the E-IQ Appraisal, here’s what to do. I’ll walk you through my TalentSmart experience and give you the secret handshake. You can go onto the site and read my actual appraisal report. Some parts were pretty good and one area, well… I need a bit of work.

The TalentSmart Emotional Intelligence Appraisal Process

The first thing I have to tell you is if you want to take your own TalentSmart E-IQ appraisal, it’ll cost you money. They’re a business, after all, and businesses need to be profitable. However, it’s not that much and you can economize or even cheat if your emotions allow it.

I bought the hardcover version of The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book. (By the way, it’s revised as Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and written by the same bunch that developed the highly-successful business book The One Minute Manager.) I didn’t pay full pop for the book, though. I found it for ten bucks at a used book store, and it was in pristine shape.

To access the appraisal exam, you need to take a unique code from the inside of the dust cover. My code is 4859BQEU. It’s a one-use-only code, and you can’t pirate it to do your own thing. You’ll have to buy a book to get your own code or find a creative way of getting a pass-code. I’ll leave that to you.

Next, you open TalentSmart web portal at www.eiquickbook.com. Follow the directions, enter the code and you’re in. If you use my code, 4859BQEU at www.eiquickbook.com , it’s easy to follow the prompts and see what I’m emotionally made of. If you do your own appraisal, the process is fairly fast… but it’ll make you think.

Once you’re done, you’ll get a nice pdf printout of your E-IQ assessment and their rating of where you emotionally fit with the world’s population. I think the process is reasonably reliable. Like many things, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. Reading the Quick Book alone is well worth the investment if you’re into self-help and personal development.

Okay, so how did I rate on the Emotional Intelligence appraisal scale? Well, I won’t give you exact numbers in this post, but you’re more than welcome to go onto the TalentSmart www.eiquickbook.com site, enter 4859BQEU and read them yourself. What I will say is I scored strong on the Personal Competence areas of Self-Awareness and Self-Management. I also did quite well in the Social Competence area of Relationship Management.

Where I dropped was the Social Awareness segment. It’s clear that while I’m aware of what others are up to, I could use a little more empathy. Deep down I know they’re right, and it’s true. I have little time for certain people. It’s a leftover cop-thing where my give-a-shit tank runs low.

Anyway, the report let me off nicely with a detailed action plan and some words of wisdom. It told me that improving my emotional intelligence is a flexible skill that I can easily learn. Rather than being a fixed value like my IQ, my EQ is a plastic parameter where I can work on my weaknesses by applying my strong emotional traits.

The process takeaway, for me, was that people build on their character when they’re aware of things like how emotional intelligence affects you and others. It’s a matter of understanding what EI is and how you can use it as a life skill. But to make it work, you need a strong motivation to learn and change. You require consistent practice on your new behaviors. And, it helps to have feedback.

Are you up to the emotional workout challenge and want to find out your E-IQ score? Try it. Let me know what you think about emotional intelligence. If you take the appraisal, tell me how you made out.


Ever taken an IQ test? If you did, you probably marked around 100. That’s the average where over 80 percent of all people fall in. Maybe you scored higher—say 140. That’d put you in the top 2 percent where Mensa members like Stephen Hawking resided. Or, you could be down in the 80s which some consider slow. But don’t feel bad if you’re sub-100 because Steve Jobs got an 86 and he made out just fine.

IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. That’s an arbitrary scale where mental cognitive functions are examined and given a numeric value. How valid is it? Well, there are divided opinions on IQ meanings. Some brilliant savants need velcro for shoelaces while Muhammad Ali, who scaled 76, handed out exceptional jabs of wisdom never mind dealing knock-out blow interviews.

If you’ve never taken an IQ test, here’s your chance to do one online. There are lots of sites available. Some are credible. Some are not. One belongs to Mensa and that worldwide organization for the gifted is considered the leading authority for rating and linking people with exceptionally high IQs. Their acceptance mark is 132. It has to be verified under proctored conditions. But, then, Mensa membership has its perks.

Can you make the Mensa club? You just might. But, first, let’s look at what science says about intelligence, where it comes from and where it’s going—especially artificial intelligence or AI. We’ll see how intelligence is classified as well as investigate human traits more important than book smarts. It’s interesting to know some famous people’s IQs and who are the top 5 of all time. We’ll sample a Mensa exam and give you the opportunity to test drive one. Then we’ll check how I made out qualifying for Mensa.

True intelligence is tough to define. It’s subjective and objective at the same time. That makes defining intelligence controversial. Possibly the best analogy comes from Albert Einstein who said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Einstein never took an IQ test and he’s estimated to have ranked pretty high mentally. Practicality was a different story. He theorized relativity and the space-time continuum but couldn’t balance his checkbook. Socrates also had a go at defining intelligence. “I know that I am intelligent because I know nothing,” the great philosopher said. Then Socrates dismissed the brain as being part of the body’s cooling system and concluded intelligence came from the heart.

The word “intelligence” comes from the Latin verb “intelligere” which means to comprehend or perceive. This developed into the Greek “intellectus” or “understanding” and the phrase “intellectus intelligit” that translates to “understanding understanding”. This play-on-words describes a general mental capacity involving the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think in abstract, comprehend complex ideas, communicate and learn from experience. It’s more than book learning, academic skill or test-taking smarts. Intelligence is the ability to make sense of things, catch on quick and figure out what to do.

There are many theories of intelligence. They come from scientific disciplines like neurology and psychiatry. They flow from philosophers and learned scholars in education. Even religious groups take a crack at rating intelligence. Regardless of where opinions come from, two main forms of human intelligence are universally recognized.

  1. Crystallized intelligence encompasses factual knowledge gained through education and life experiences.
  2. Fluid intelligence is the ability to process information, make logical decisions and inhibit irrational emotional impulses.

Two main theories around intelligence are attributed to Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg. Gardner, a Harvard professor, itemized seven specific components of intelligence—musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal. The idea behind his theory explains why some people are better than others at skills like numbers, words and relationships. Sternberg disagreed. He broke intelligence into three groups—analytical, creative and practical. Those are abilities to solve problems, deal with new situations and adapt to changing environments.

Charles Spearman hypothesized that one factor generally framed intelligence. He called it the “g-factor” and postulated all people are basically the same—only some are better at things than others. I’m not sure I follow that simple reasoning and tend to agree with mainstream theories of intelligence being divided into distinct categories. It seems some people are clearly at ease with particular intellectual domains and there’s no single factor explaining performance across a wide range of intelligent abilities.

Anatomy and neuroscience have taken a good, hard look at what constitutes intelligence. They see it developing as electro-chemical signals being transported through interconnected neuron circuits. Basic brain structure monitored by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows most “intelligent” interactions occur in the frontal or parietal region and are centered in the anterior cingulate cortex. This is called the Parietal-Frontal Integration (PTI) theory and it’s supported by scientific evidence.

There’s one problem with the PTI theory. It can’t account for consciousness. Without consciousness, there’s no intelligent operation in the brain and science doesn’t have the remotest grasp on the nature or origin of consciousness. Consciousness is suspected to be the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that unites the basic known physical properties of space-time and energy-mass into one single explanation of the universe. At the center of the GUT is the source of intelligent consciousness and God only knows where that came from. But that’s another discussion.

Over centuries, educators recognized various students have various cognitive abilities. At the turn of the nineteenth/twentieth centuries, German psychologist Wilhelm Stern was tasked by a government public school commission to devise a way for detecting children with significantly below-average intelligence and mental retardation. The idea was to economically group these kids into Special-Ed classes rather than lock them inside expensive asylums.

In 1905, Alfred Binet developed a scoring system for the intelligent quotient Stern was looking for. Binet used a ratio of mental ability to chronological age and based it on a point system with 100 being average. Anything below 100 was classified in retarded degrees and anything above was considered advanced. It was like ignition timing on an internal combustion engine. Lewis Terman at Stanford University in the United States realized Binet was on to something so Terman fine-tuned the IQ test into what’s known as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. It’s still in use today as the industry standard.

The Stanford-Binet 5th Edition IQ Range Classification goes like this:

  • 160+ —      Brilliant
  • 145-159 — Very gifted or highly advanced
  • 130-144 — Gifted or advanced
  • 120-129 — Superior
  • 110-119 —  High average
  • 90-109 —    Average
  • 80-89 —      Low average
  • 70-79 —      Borderline impaired or delayed
  • 55-69 —      Mildly impaired or delayed
  • 40-54 —      Moderately impaired or delayed
  • 39- —          Not classified

When the Stanford-Binet IQ Test was first used, there were official classifications for people who scored low. The terms “moron”, “imbicile” and “idiot” were dropped in recent years out of correctness but we all know buzz words for smart and dumb people. Today, “switched-on” and “switched-off” are part of the Urban Dictionary. So are “privileged”, “backward”, “enlightened”, “dimly-lit”, “high-brow” and “half-wit”. We’re not allowed to say “retard” like I was teased as a kid. It’s now replaced with “mentally-challenged” which I’m not. My mother had me tested.

So the logical question is, “How did human intelligence develop to the point I’m at today?” Anthropologists agree homo sapiens jumped down from the primate tree around 2 million years ago and made a huge mental leap forward when they learned to cook food. That took intelligence in harnessing fire just as it took intelligence to invent simple machines like the wheel and axle, the screw, the pulley and the inclined plane. Despite what creationists say about evolution, the evidence is empirical that our brains progressively evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to expand a field called intelligence. Genetics, diet and social interaction played a big part.

Discoveries and inventions made life easier. They gave humans more time to refine arts, literature and sport. Devices evolved into complex machines like smart cars and computerized guidance. Our evolution has arrived at the point where intelligent machines are in daily use and moving forward fast. We’re at the threshold of implementing Practopoiesis. That’s the conceptual bridge between biology and artificial intelligence. AI is here and it’s a matter of time before computerized brain implants are real.

That might be good and that might be bad for the human species. We’ve always struggled between haves and have-nots. Social advancement intrinsically links to out-thinking a competitor but societies have a way of balancing fairness in weak vs. strong. We’re able to see a line between naturally knowing and not being able to know.

It’s important to know IQ testing is not meant to identify character or personality traits. It’s strictly a ranking of intelligence to form a baseline for comparison. But the Stanford-Binet equation is recognized as a valid and useful measure for psychological and legal purposes. It forms part of a criminal defense strategy to establish mental culpability and the United States Supreme Court established anyone with a score of 70 or less is exempt from the death penalty.

Before we look at how your IQ Test is structured and where you’ll mark, let’s see who’s been tested and how they rated. Many famous and infamous people have their IQs recorded and psychologists have speculated about where historical figures stood. We’ll break the categories down into science/invention, politics/military and arts/entertainment.


  • Albert Einstein — Swiss physicist — 160
  • Albrecht von Haller — Swiss medical scientist — 190
  • Benjamin Franklin — American inventor — 160
  • Bill Gates — American inventor/businessman — 160
  • Blaise Pascal— French philosopher — 195
  • Charles Darwin — English botanist — 165
  • Edith Stern — American computer engineer — 198
  • Francis Crick — British discoverer of DNA — 134
  • Henry Ford — American automaker — 125
  • Immanuel Kant — German philosopher — 175
  • Isaac Newton — English scientist — 190
  • Leonardo da Vinci — Italian inventor/artist — 190
  • Marie Curie — French chemist — 185
  • Paul Allen — Microsoft co-founder — 168
  • Ruth Lawrence — British Mathematician — 175
  • Stephen Hawking — British theoretical physicist — 160


  • Abraham Lincoln — US President — 140
  • Adolf Hitler — Nazi leader — 141
  • Andrew Jackson — US President — 120
  • Angela Merkel — German Chancellor — 136
  • Benjamin Netanyahu — Israeli Prime Minister — 182
  • Bill Clinton — US President — 137
  • Barak Obama — US President — 130
  • Boris Johnson — British politician — 79
  • Donald Trump — US President — 156
  • George Armstrong Custer — US Cavalry leader — 80
  • George W. Bush — US President — 125
  • George S. Patton — American WW2 general — 151
  • Hillary Clinton — American politician — 143
  • John F. Kennedy — US President — 117
  • Margaret Thatcher — British Prime Minister — 176
  • Ronald Raegan — US President — 103
  • Ulysses S. Grant — US Civil War general/US President — 110
  • Vladimir Putin — Russian President — 130


  • Andy Warhol — American painter — 86
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger — American actor/politician — 135
  • Asia Carrera — International adult film star — 156
  • Bobby Fischer — American chess master — 187
  • Brittany Spears — American singer — 104
  • Charles Dickens — British writer — 180
  • Cindy Crawford — American model — 154
  • Conan O’Brien — American television host — 160
  • Geena Davis — American actor — 140
  • James Woods — American actor — 180
  • Jodie Foster — American actor — 132
  • John Travolta — American actor — 90
  • Lisa Kudrow —American actor — 161
  • Madonna — British entertainer — 141
  • Mayim Bialik — “Amy Farrah-Fowler” on Big Bang Theory — 163
  • Nicole Kidman — Australian actor — 132
  • Paris Hilton — American celebrity — 120
  • Quinton Tarantino — American movie director — 165
  • Robin Williams — American actor/comic — 142
  • Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) — British actor — 178
  • Tina Fey — American entertainer — 143
  • Tom Cruise — American actor — 94
  • Vincent van Gogh — Dutch painter — 150+

That’s a pretty diverse and well-known crowd but they’re not the smartest— at least not as recorded IQ goes. That mark of distinction goes to these five.

  1. Marilyn vos Savant holds the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest woman alive. She’s best known for her high score but is an accomplished author and advice columnist. Ms. vos Savant repeatedly broke the 200 mark in IQ tests.
  1. Kim Ung-Yong is a Korean child prodigy. By the time he was three, Kim was fluent in five languages and could read and write all. He became a NASA engineer but returned home where he quietly teaches university classes. Kim has an IQ of 210.
  1. Christopher Hirata is an astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology where he began professing at 14. He won the Physics Olympiad gold medal at 13 and scored 225 on his IQ exam.
  1. Terrance Tao is a Chinese genius who teaches advanced mathematics at the University of California. He’s won every math prize there is. It’s probably due to his IQ being 232.
  1. William James Sidis is no longer alive but has the distinction of the highest human IQ score ever recorded. There are discrepancies in test methods but it’s generally accepted he pushed close to 300. Sidis was an oddball and actually quite unstable. He attended Harvard at age 11 as a math student and went on to learn over 40 languages. His political activism got Sidis jailed and he died young. It was a cerebral aneurysm. Literally, his brain exploded.

These smart folks come from diversified backgrounds and have equally diverse personalities. They’re different, yet alike. Psychologists have found six characteristics that high-functioning people have in common, regardless of their IQ level.

  • They’re highly adaptable
  • They know what they don’t know
  • They’re intensely curious
  • They ask good questions
  • They’re sensitive to other people
  • They’re open-minded and critical of their own work

So that’s a wrap of how some scored on their IQ tests and how they operate. Now—how about yours? I’ve lined up a Mensa website where you can try your intelligence but, to practice, here are sample questions for helping you prepare.

Pear is to apple as potato is to?

  • Banana
  • Radish
  • Strawberry
  • Peach
  • Lettuce

There are 1200 elephants in a herd. Some have pink and green stripes. Some are all pink. Some are all blue. One-third are all pure pink. Is it true that 400 elephants are definitely blue?

  • Yes
  • No

If it were two hours later, it would be half as long until midnight as it would be if it were an hour later. What time is it now?

  • 18:30
  • 20:00
  • 21:00
  • 22:00
  • 23:30

What same three-letter word can be placed in front of these words to make a new word?


“If some Smaugs are Thors and some Thors are Thrains, then some Smaugs are definitely Thrains.” This statement is:

  • True
  • False
  • Neither

The price of an article was cut 20% for a sale. By what percent must the item be increased to again sell it at the original price?

  • 15%
  • 20%
  • 22 ½%
  • 25%
  • 30%

Which one of the five is least like the others?

  • Ham
  • Liver
  • Salmon
  • Pork
  • Beef

If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7s will you pass on the way?

  • 10
  • 11
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21

Sally likes 225 but not 224; she likes 900 but not 800; she likes 144 but not 145. Which does she like?

  • 1600
  • 1700

Jack is taller than Peter and Bill is shorter than Jack. Which of the following statements is the most accurate?

  • Bill is taller than Peter
  • Bill is shorter than Peter
  • Bill is as tall as Peter
  • It is impossible to tell

What is this word when unscrambled?


Which of the five designs is least like the other four?

  • A
  • Z
  • F
  • N
  • E

Find the missing number:


John received $.41 in change from a purchase at the drugstore. If he received six coins, three of the coins had to be:

  • Pennies
  • Nickels
  • Dimes
  • Quarters
  • Half-dollars

Only one other word in the English language can be made using all the letters from the word INSATIABLE. Can you find it?

If FP = 10 and HX = 16, what does DS = ?

What letter appears next in this sequence? B-V-C-X

Cattell III B has 158 questions. Cattell IV A has 317 questions. Which one is more difficult?

“A fish has a head 9” long. The tail is equal to the size of the head plus one-half the size of the body. The body is the same size as the head plus the tail.” How long is the fish?

  • 27”
  • 54”
  • 63”
  • 72”
  • 81”

I tried 60 of these Mensa test questions and was allowed 20 minutes. After that, the process timed out. That’s 20 seconds per question. It doesn’t give much room for calculating, googling or phoning a friend. I’ll admit I guessed on some — especially the fish.

It’s not my first go-around on an IQ test but was my first try with Mensa. Back in high school, we were given IQ tests as some sort of socialist experiment. We were never shown scores so I don’t know my outcome. I was never a shining light in grade school but was smart enough to slide through by friending the smart kid.

I sat beside Terry Blaney (we called him Terry Brainey) and I glanced across as Terry whizzed through our IQ test. I checked off what I saw him do then guessed the rest. My bet is Terry’s IQ hits 140 or better. He went on to get an engineering degree and I became a cop. I never kept in touch with Terry but you can’t hide on the internet. So I found him on Linked-In and see he retired as a VP with Shell Oil. Now Terry runs his private petroleum consulting business in Shanghai and I’m a wanna-be crime writer doing blog posts like this.

Which brings to my own intelligence and also to yours. Over the years, I’ve slid a lot further on bullshit than on gravel. And my experience firmly proves that bullshit baffles brains. But I know it’s hard to BS the computerized Mensa format so I gave it an honest go. Here’s the link if you’d like to try it: https://www.mensaiqtest.net/

I did the best I could with 60 questions within 20 minutes. Man, that was a challenge. Some were easy. Some took a pen & paper. Some were pure guess and some were gut feel. But all required an application of intelligence no matter how you approached. Then I hit the calculate button and got this:

The bastards wanted 19.92 Euro to release my score. That’s over 20 bucks US—25 up here in Canada. They accept Visa, Mastercard and other forms of payment but I hit the escape button and left.

I guess that’s the mark of intelligence.


A2There’s a world of difference between book smarts and street smarts – between braininess and savvy. The first has its place, but the second is much more useful. Being smart is the ability to logically think things out. Being sharp is the ability to tune into the world, to read situations, and positively connect with others while taking charge of your own life.

What is intelligence?

A4Intelligence has been defined in many different ways such as your capacity for logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, emotional knowledge, memory, planning, creativity and problem solving.

Where it comes from is anybody’s guess. It’s something that’s designed into us, possibly imbedded in our brain through DNA. I’m a believer in the concept of Infinite Intelligence which is the basis of Napoleon Hill’s masterpiece on human achievement in Think And Grow Rich. If you haven’t read it, here’s the link. If you have read it, go read it again.

Intelligence has long been measured in a quotient called IQ. It’s different from a measure of your ability to control your emotions which is called EQ – a much more difficult thing to measure.

A5Most average adults have an IQ around 100 on the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale. The MENSA club requires members to be in the top 98 percentile which sets the bar at 132. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the ‘smartest’ person in the world was Marilyn vos Savant, who scored 185. Probably the most intelligent person who ever existed was Leonardo da Vinci who’s been estimated at around 220.

Conversely, mental retardation used to be divided into sub-classifications, but these labels are officially obsolete due to political correctness: Borderline Deficiency (IQ 70-80), Moron (IQ 50-69), Imbecile (IQ 20-49) and Idiot (below 20). I’ve dealt with a few in my policing career who rated around 15 and I have my own term for that classification.

So what about emotional smarts?

I have a great book called The EQ Edge by Steven J. Stein, Ph.D. and Howard E. Book, M.D. I’ll steal their definition of EQ.

A6Emotional Quotient is the set of skills that enable us to make our way in a complex world – the personal, social and survival aspects of overall intelligence, the elusive common sense and sensitivity that are essential to effective daily functioning. It has to do with the ability to read the political and social environment, and landscape them; to intuitively grasp what others want and need, what strengths and weaknesses are; to remain unruffled by stress; and to be engaging. The kind of person others want to be around and will follow.

Sophisticated mapping techniques in brain research have recently confirmed that many thought processes pass through our emotional centers as they take the psychological journey that converts outside information from infinite intelligence into individual response and action.

God only knows where infinite intelligence comes from.